首页> 外文期刊>Fluids and Barriers of the CNS >Hepatocyte growth factor in cerebrospinal fluid differentiates community-acquired or nosocomial septic meningitis from other causes of pleocytosis

Hepatocyte growth factor in cerebrospinal fluid differentiates community-acquired or nosocomial septic meningitis from other causes of pleocytosis




Background Due to anatomical restrictions, the inflammatory response to intracerebral bacterial infections exposes swollen brain tissues to pressure and ischemia, resulting in life-threatening damage. Rapid diagnosis and immediate empirical antibiotic therapy is highly important. However, diagnosing meningitis in patients after neurosurgery is complicated, due to brain tissue damage and changes in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) caused by surgery. Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is a local, acute-phase protein with healing properties. Previous studies on community-acquired septic meningitis reported high levels of intrathecally produced HGF. The present study focused on nosocomial meningitis in assessing the levels of HGF in the CSF. Methods HGF concentrations (ELISA) and HGF binding to receptors; c-Met receptor and heparan sulfate proteoglycan were determined in CSF samples (surface plasmon resonance). CSF samples from patients with community-acquired or nosocomial meningitis (217 samples from 135 patients) were compared to those from controls without signs of cerebral nervous system involvement (N = 36) and patients with Alzheimer’s disease (N = 20). Results Compared to samples from patients that had undergone neurosurgery and had other infectious diseases, CSF samples from patients with nosocomial meningitis had significantly higher HGF concentrations (p < 0.001) and binding affinity to c-Met (p < 0.001) and HSPG (p = 0.043) receptors. The sensitivity and specificity to identify nosocomial septic meningitis were 69.7 and 93.4 %, respectively. The HGF concentration and binding affinity to HGF receptors were significantly higher in CSF from patients with community-acquired septic meningitis compared to patients with aseptic (viral and subacute) meningitis as well as controls (p < 0.001). The sensitivity and specificity to identify community-acquired septic meningitis were 95.4 and 95.7 %, respectively. Discussion In febrile nosocomial infections that occurred post neurosurgery, HGF assessment could substantially improve the differentiation of meningitis from other infections and therefore might be a tool for rapid diagnosis, limiting injuries and guiding antibiotic therapy.
机译:背景技术由于解剖学上的限制,对脑内细菌感染的炎性反应使肿胀的脑组织暴露于压力和局部缺血中,从而危及生命。快速诊断和立即进行经验性抗生素治疗非常重要。然而,由于手术引起的脑组织损伤和脑脊液(CSF)的变化,神经外科手术后脑膜炎的诊断很复杂。肝细胞生长因子(HGF)是具有愈合特性的局部急性期蛋白。先前有关社区获得性败血症性脑膜炎的研究报道鞘内产生的HGF水平较高。本研究侧重于医院脑膜炎,以评估脑脊液中HGF的水平。方法HGF浓度(ELISA)和HGF与受体的结合;在CSF样品中测定了c-Met受体和硫酸乙酰肝素蛋白聚糖(表面等离子体共振)。将来自社区获得性或医院性脑膜炎患者的CSF样本(来自135例患者的217个样本)与没有脑神经系统受累迹象的对照组(N = 36)和患有阿尔茨海默病的患者(N = 20)进行了比较。结果与经历过神经外科手术和其他感染性疾病的患者的样本相比,来自医院脑膜炎患者的CSF样本的HGF浓度(p <0.001)和与c-Met(p <0.001)和HSPG的结合亲和力(p = 0.043)受体。识别医院败血症性脑膜炎的敏感性和特异性分别为69.7%和93.4%。与无菌性(病毒性和亚急性性)脑膜炎以及对照组患者相比,社区获得性脓毒性脑膜炎患者的脑脊液中的HGF浓度和对HGF受体的结合亲和力明显更高(p <0.001)。鉴定社区获得性败血症性脑膜炎的敏感性和特异性分别为95.4%和95.7%。讨论在神经外科手术后发生的高热医院感染中,HGF评估可大大改善脑膜炎与其他感染的区分,因此可能是快速诊断,限制损伤和指导抗生素治疗的工具。



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