首页> 外文期刊>Fisioterapia em Movimento >Pennation angle of vastus laterallis during isometric contractions performed at two knee angles

Pennation angle of vastus laterallis during isometric contractions performed at two knee angles




Abstract Introduction: The pennation angle (PA) of a muscle is not static value, but it adapts to the conditions imposed by the contraction intensity required. Objective: This study investigates the effect of knee angle (KA) and intensity of contraction (IC) on PA of vastus lateralis (VL). Methods: Eight women and nine men executed isometric torques lasting 5s at the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), 25%, 50% and 75% of MVC, on an isokinetic dynamometer with the KA at 90???° and 120???° (full extension = 180???°). The PA was measured in each test, and with the subject relaxed. The effect of IC on PA was tested by means of repeated measures ANOVA and effect size (ES), and of the KA on PA by paired t test, employed on each IC, together with the statistics: intraclass correlation (ICC), standard error of measurement (SEM) and ES, all calculated with the PAs measured at both KAs. Results: The PA increased significantly and successively with the IC (p < 0.05; ES between 1.11 and 3.04), but was not influenced by KA (p > 0.05; ICC between 0.70 and 0.81; SEM between 0.7???° and 1.4???°; ES between 0.02 and 0.2). Conclusion: The successive increase of PA with the IC supports the existence of relation between these variables. While studies advocate the effect of PA on joint angle this was not observed in this study, probable because the 30o of between KA difference employed was not enough to provide change in PA.
机译:摘要简介:肌肉的垂度角(PA)不是静态值,而是适应所需收缩强度所施加的条件。目的:本研究探讨膝关节角(KA)和收缩强度(IC)对外侧股静脉(VL)PA的影响。方法:八名女性和九名男性在等速测力计上以90°C和120°C的等速测力计在最大自愿收缩(MVC)下执行等距扭矩,持续5s,分别为MVC的25%,50%和75%。 °(全延伸= 180°)。在每次测试中都测量了PA,并使受试者放松。通过重复测量方差分析和效应大小(ES)来测试IC对PA的影响,并通过配对t检验对每个IC进行KA对PA的影响,并进行统计:类内相关性(ICC),标准误(SEM)和ES的均值,所有均以两个KA测得的PA来计算。结果:PA随着IC的增加而显着增加(p <0.05; ES在1.11至3.04之间),但不受KA的影响(p> 0.05; ICC在0.70至0.81之间; SEM在0.7?°至1.4?之间。 Δθ; ES在0.02和0.2之间)。结论:随着IC功率放大器的不断增加,支持了这些变量之间的关系。虽然研究主张PA对关节角的影响,但在本研究中并未观察到这一点,这很可能是因为所采用的KA之间的30o差异不足以提供PA的改变。



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