首页> 外文期刊>Enfermeria Actual en Costa Rica >Actualizaci?3n de la prueba general para la evaluaci?3n del desarrollo integral del ni?±o entre los 0 meses y 6 a?±os de edad (EDIN)

Actualizaci?3n de la prueba general para la evaluaci?3n del desarrollo integral del ni?±o entre los 0 meses y 6 a?±os de edad (EDIN)




Introduction: In this paper the results in updating the general test for evaluating the development of the child and the child between 0 and 6 years of age (EDIN) are presented. Methodology: The methodology was qualitative, transversal and descriptive. It was attended by 14 experts in the field of human development. Data were collected through technical expert judgment of individual aggregates type. The information obtained was triangulated with updated to determine the permanence of the items in the updated proposal scientific evidence. Results: expert opinion evidence confirmed the inconsistency of some items, so it was necessary to change, delete and adjust items in the EDIN. Of the total of 456 items of this test, 72 (16%) items in the area of "habits" were excluded, not correspond to an area of development, 127 (27.9%) were inconsistent, 257 (56%) were consistent and 15 new items were created, leaving an updated 287 tested, distributed in six areas of development and 19 age groups, plus a checklist consisting of 112 recommendations on eating patterns, sleep and rest, elimination, hygiene and clothing and security. Conclusions: The study provides an updated for minor child population six years Costa Rican test. The study of developmental assessment tests necessary for comprehensive care during childhood, so it is important that the country has own assessment tools development and updated.



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