首页> 外文期刊>Global Pediatric Health >Life-Threatening Hypercalcemia During Prodrome of Pneumocystis jiroveci Pneumonia in an Immunocompetent Infant:

Life-Threatening Hypercalcemia During Prodrome of Pneumocystis jiroveci Pneumonia in an Immunocompetent Infant:




Severe hypercalcemia in infants is usually attributed to genetic etiologies and less commonly to acquired ones. An 8-week-old girl presented with failure to thrive, mild respiratory distress, and life-threatening hypercalcemia (23.5 mg/dL). Serum 1,25(OH)2-vitamin D (1,25(OH)2-D) level was elevated and parathyroid hormone undetectable. Evaluation for genetic mutations and malignant etiologies of hypercalcemia was negative. Treatment with intravenous hydration, loop diuretic, and calcitonin failed to correct the hypercalcemia, which was subsequently controlled with bisphosphonate therapy. Due to progressive respiratory deterioration, a bronchopulmonary lavage was done on day 17 of her hospitalization disclosing Pneumocystis jiroveci infection. The subsequent immunological investigation showed no abnormalities. She was treated with trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole resulting in gradual clearing of her lungs and normalization of serum 1,25(OH)2-D level. A year later, she remains healthy with normal biochemical p...
机译:婴儿中严重的高钙血症通常归因于遗传病因,而少见归因于获得性病因。一名8周大的女孩表现出ive壮成长,轻度呼吸窘迫和威胁生命的高钙血症(23.5 mg / dL)。血清1,25(OH)2-维生素D(1,25(OH)2-D)水平升高,甲状旁腺激素未检出。高钙血症的基因突变和恶性病因评估为阴性。静脉水合作用,loop利尿剂和降钙素治疗不能纠正高钙血症,高钙血症随后由双膦酸盐治疗控制。由于进行性呼吸恶化,在住院的第17天进行了一次支气管肺灌洗,发现了大肠杆状肺孢菌感染。随后的免疫学检查未发现异常。用甲氧苄氨嘧啶/磺胺甲基异恶唑治疗后,她的肺部逐渐清洁,血清1,25(OH)2-D水平恢复正常。一年后,她的生化水平正常,身体健康。



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