首页> 外文期刊>Global Journal of Health Science >Reliability and Validity of the Workplace Social Distance Scale

Reliability and Validity of the Workplace Social Distance Scale




Self-stigma, defined by a negative attitude toward oneself combined with the consciousness of being a target of prejudice, is a critical problem for psychiatric patients. Self-stigma studies among psychiatric patients have indicated that high stigma is predictive of detrimental effects such as the delay of treatment and decreases in social participation in patients, and levels of self-stigma should be statistically evaluated. In this study, we developed the Workplace Social Distance Scale (WSDS), rephrasing the eight items of the Japanese version of the Social Distance Scale (SDSJ) to apply to the work setting in Japan. We examined the reliability and validity of the WSDS among 83 psychiatric patients. Factor analysis extracted three factors from the scale items: “work relations,” “shallow relationships,” and “employment.” These factors are similar to the assessment factors of the SDSJ. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for the WSDS was 0.753. The split-half reliability for the WSDS was 0.801, indicating significant correlations. In addition, the WSDS was significantly correlated with the SDSJ. These findings suggest that the WSDS represents an approximation of self-stigma in the workplace among psychiatric patients. Our study assessed the reliability and validity of the WSDS for measuring self-stigma in Japan. Future studies should investigate the reliability and validity of the scale in other countries.
机译:对精神病患者来说,自我污名是由对自己的消极态度与成为偏见目标的意识相结合而定义的。精神病患者的自我耻辱感研究表明,较高的耻辱感预示着不良影响,例如治疗延误和患者社会参与度降低,应当对自我耻辱感的水平进行统计评估。在这项研究中,我们开发了工作场所社交距离量表(WSDS),重新定义了日语版社交距离量表(SDSJ)的八项内容,以适用于日本的工作环境。我们检查了83名精神病患者中WSDS的可靠性和有效性。因子分析从量表项目中提取了三个因子:“工作关系”,“浅层关系”和“就业”。这些因素类似于SDSJ的评估因素。克伦巴赫WSDS的alpha系数为0.753。 WSDS的半拆分可靠性为0.801,表明存在显着相关性。此外,WSDS与SDSJ显着相关。这些发现表明,WSDS代表精神病患者在工作场所中的自我耻辱感。我们的研究评估了WSDS在日本测量自我耻辱感的可靠性和有效性。未来的研究应调查其他国家的量表的信度和效度。



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