首页> 外文期刊>Geography & Natural Disasters >An Assessment of Environmental-resources Base for the Development and Well-being in Eritrea: A Case Study of Adi Keih Subzone

An Assessment of Environmental-resources Base for the Development and Well-being in Eritrea: A Case Study of Adi Keih Subzone




People in developing countries are most part agrarian and pastoral folk. They heavily rely on the bio-mass-based subsistence economies around them. The rural folk eke out a living from products obtained directly from plants and animals. This is particularly significant for marginal groups, who tend to rely more directly on their environment for survival. In this research paper researchers have tried to assess environmental resource base in Adi Keih subzone of Zoba Dobub (Eritrea) and their effects on the well-being and development of the people. Study is based on both primary and secondary sources of information. Study reveals that current available resource-base in the study region is impoverished. Only 10% of the area has potentiality for the farming activities. Among them 80% are poor quality agricultural lands. Farming activity supports only 1/3 of household income. In totality immediate environment supports merely average 50% of household income requirements. This problem has compounded due to environmental degradation. The study highlights micro level relationship between environmental degradation, and resulting in poverty.
机译:发展中国家的人民大部分是农业和牧民。他们严重依赖周围的以生物量为基础的生存经济。农村人从直接从动植物中获得的产品谋生。对于边缘群体而言,这尤其重要,他们倾向于更直接地依靠自己的生存环境。在这篇研究论文中,研究人员试图评估Zoba Dobub(厄立特里亚)的Adi Keih分区的环境资源基础及其对人民福祉和发展的影响。研究基于主要和次要信息源。研究表明,研究区域当前可用的资源基础很贫乏。该地区只有10%的地区具有开展农业活动的潜力。其中80%是劣质农业用地。农业活动仅占家庭收入的1/3。总体而言,即时环境仅能满足平均50%的家庭收入需求。由于环境恶化,这个问题变得更加复杂。该研究强调了环境退化与贫困之间的微观关系。



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