首页> 外文期刊>Eurosurveillance >Inverse trends of Campylobacter and Salmonella in Swiss surveillance data, 1988–2013

Inverse trends of Campylobacter and Salmonella in Swiss surveillance data, 1988–2013




Clinical isolates of Campylobacter spp. and Salmonella spp. are notifiable in Switzerland. In 1995, Campylobacter replaced Salmonella as the most frequently reported food-borne pathogen. We analysed notification data (1988–2013) for these two bacterial, gastrointestinal pathogens of public health importance in Switzerland. Notification rates were calculated using data for the average resident population. Between 1988 and 2013, notified campylobacteriosis cases doubled from 3,127 to 7,499, while Salmonella case notifications decreased, from 4,291 to 1,267. Case notifications for both pathogens peaked during summer months. Campylobacter infections showed a distinct winter peak, particularly in the 2011/12, 2012/13 and 2013/14 winter seasons. Campylobacter case notifications showed more frequent infection in males than females in all but 20–24 year-olds. Among reported cases, patients’ average age increased for campylobacteriosis but not for salmonellosis. The inverse trends observed in case notifications for the two pathogens indicate an increase in campylobacteriosis cases. It appears unlikely that changes in patients’ health-seeking or physicians’ testing behaviour would affect Campylobacter and Salmonella case notifications differently. The implementation of legal microbiological criteria for foodstuff was likely an effective means of controlling human salmonellosis. Such criteria should be decreed for Campylobacter, creating incentives for producers to lower Campylobacter prevalence in poultry.
机译:弯曲杆菌属的临床分离株。和沙门氏菌在瑞士应通报。 1995年,弯曲杆菌取代沙门氏菌成为最常报告的食源性病原体。我们分析了这两种在瑞士具有公共卫生重要性的细菌,胃肠道病原体的通报数据(1988–2013)。通知率是使用平均居民人口的数据计算的。在1988年至2013年之间,通报的弯曲杆菌病病例从3127例增加了一倍,至7499例,而沙门氏菌病例的通报数从4291例减少至1267例。两种病原体的病例通报在夏季都达到高峰。弯曲杆菌感染表现出明显的冬季高峰,特别是在2011 / 12、2012 / 13和2013/14冬季。弯曲杆菌病例通知显示,除20-24岁外,所有男性中男性感染率均高于女性。在报告的病例中,弯曲菌病患者的平均年龄有所增加,而沙门氏菌病则没有。在两种病原体的病例通报中观察到的逆趋势表明弯曲菌病病例增加。患者寻求健康或医生测试行为的变化似乎不太可能以不同的方式影响弯曲杆菌和沙门氏菌的病例通知。实施食品的法定微生物标准可能是控制人沙门氏菌病的有效手段。应该针对弯曲杆菌制定这样的标准,以鼓励生产者降低家禽中弯曲杆菌的流行。



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