首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Psychotraumatology >Brief Eclectic Psychotherapy for Traumatic Grief (BEP-TG): toward integrated treatment of symptoms related to traumatic loss

Brief Eclectic Psychotherapy for Traumatic Grief (BEP-TG): toward integrated treatment of symptoms related to traumatic loss




BackgroundTraumatic events such as disasters, accidents, war, or criminal violence are often accompanied by the loss of loved ones, and may then give rise to traumatic grief. Traumatic grief refers to a clinical diagnosis of persistent complex bereavement disorder (PCBD) with comorbid (symptoms of) posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and/or major depressive disorder (MDD) following confrontation with a traumatic loss. Trauma survivors, who are frequently from different cultural backgrounds, have often experienced multiple losses and ambiguous loss (missing family members or friends). Current evidence-based treatments for PTSD do not focus on traumatic grief.ObjectiveTo develop a treatment for traumatic grief combining treatment interventions for PTSD and PCBD that may accommodate cultural aspects of grief.MethodTo provide a rationale for treatment, we propose a cognitive stress model of traumatic grief. Based on this model and on existing evidence-based treatments for PTSD and complicated grief, we developed Brief Eclectic Psychotherapy for Traumatic Grief (BEP-TG) for the treatment of patients with traumatic grief. The treatment is presented along with a case vignette.ResultsProcesses contributing to traumatic grief include inadequately integrating the memory of the traumatic loss, negative appraisal of the traumatic loss, sensitivity to matching triggers and new stressors, and attempting to avoid distress. BEP-TG targets these processes. The BEP-TG protocol consists of five parts with proven effectiveness in the treatment of PCBD, PTSD, and MDD: information and motivation, grief-focused exposure, memorabilia and writing assignments, finding meaning and activation, and a farewell ritual.ConclusionTailored to fit the needs of trauma survivors, BEP-TG can be used to address traumatic grief symptoms related to multiple losses and ambiguous loss, as well as cultural aspects of bereavement through its different components.
机译:背景技术诸如灾难,事故,战争或刑事暴力之类的创伤性事件通常伴随着亲人的流失,并可能引起创伤性的悲伤。创伤性悲伤是指在患有创伤性损失后,伴有创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)和/或重度抑郁症(MDD)并存(症状)的持续复杂性丧亲症(PCBD)的临床诊断。经常来自不同文化背景的创伤幸存者经常遭受多种损失和模棱两可的损失(缺少家人或朋友)。当前针对创伤后应激障碍的循证治疗并不集中于创伤性悲伤。目的是结合创伤后应激障碍和多氯联苯的治疗干预措施开发创伤性悲伤的治疗方法,以适应悲伤的文化方面。方法为提供治疗的理由,我们提出了一种认知应激模型创伤的悲伤。基于该模型以及现有的针对PTSD和复杂性悲伤的循证治疗,我们开发了创伤性悲伤简明折衷心理疗法(BEP-TG),用于治疗创伤性悲伤患者。结果及造成创伤性痛苦的过程包括对创伤性损失的记忆不足,对创伤性损失的否定评估,对匹配触发因素和新压力源的敏感性以及试图避免痛苦的过程。 BEP-TG针对这些过程。 BEP-TG协议由五个部分组成,这些部分在PCBD,PTSD和MDD的治疗中已证明行之有效:信息和动机,以悲伤为重点的接触,纪念品和写作作业,寻找含义和激活方式以及告别仪式。对于创伤幸存者的需求,BEP-TG可用于解决与多重丧失和模棱两可的丧失有关的创伤性悲伤症状,以及通过其不同组成部分而丧亲的文化方面。



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