首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of General Medicine >Blood Gases Response to Different Breathing Modalities in Phase I of Cardiac Rehabilitation Program after Coronary Artery Bypass Graft

Blood Gases Response to Different Breathing Modalities in Phase I of Cardiac Rehabilitation Program after Coronary Artery Bypass Graft




Aim: One major cause of postoperative respiratory complications is pulmonary atelectasis. Atelectasis and the associated loss of functional alveolar units has been recognized as a major pathophysiological mechanism responsible for postoperative hypoxemia after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). The aim of this study was to determine which therapeutic breathing method from incentive spirometry (IS), non-invasive intermittent positive pressure breathing (IPPB) and continuous positive airway pressure breathing (CPAP) in addition to postoperative pulmonary physiotherapy obtain the best improvement in blood gases in phase I of cardiac rehabilitation program after CABG. Method: Thirty six patients of both sexes who underwent CABG divided into three groups. Group (A) received breathing training with IS (5 minutes 5 times per day) in addition the chest physiotherapy program for patients after CABG and Group (B) received breathing training with CPAP (10 cmH2O for 15 minutes once daily) in addition to the chest physiotherapy program for patients after CABG., where Group(C) received breathing training with IPPB (maximum 15 cmH2O for 15 minutes once daily) in addition to the chest physiotherapy program for patients after CABG. Measurements of blood gases were done before the study in the first post operative day and repeated at the end of the study in the tenth postoperative day. Result: Blood gases were improved in all groups in addition to a significant difference between IS & CPAP and IS & IPPB groups. Where there was no significant difference between CPAP & IPPB groups. Conclusion: Incentive spirometry in addition to the usual respiratory physical therapy is recommended for patients in phase I of cardiac rehabilitation program after CABG.
机译:目的:术后呼吸系统并发症的主要原因之一是肺不张。肺不张和相关的肺泡功能丧失已被认为是造成冠状动脉搭桥术(CABG)后术后低氧血症的主要病理生理机制。这项研究的目的是确定除激励性肺活量测定法(IS),无创间歇性正压呼吸法(IPPB)和持续气道正压通气法(CPAP)以及术后肺物理治疗外,哪种治疗呼吸法可改善血液状况CABG后心脏康复计划第一阶段的气体。方法:36名接受CABG治疗的男女患者分为三组。 (A)组接受CABG术后患者的IS呼吸训练(每天5分钟,每天5次),B组(B)接受CPAP的呼吸训练(每天一次10 cmH2O持续15分钟,每天一次)。 CABG术后患者的胸部物理治疗计划,C组除接受CABG术后患者的胸部物理治疗计划外,还接受IPPB呼吸训练(每天一次,每次15分钟,最大15 cmH2O)。在手术后的第一天在研究之前进行血气的测量,在手术后的第十天在研究结束时重复进行。结果:除了IS&CPAP组与IS&IPPB组之间的显着差异外,所有组的血气均得到改善。 CPAP和IPPB组之间没有显着差异的地方。结论:对于CABG后心脏康复计划第一阶段的患者,建议除常规呼吸道物理治疗外还进行激励肺活量测定。



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