首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Business and Management >Technology and the Influence of Corporate Culture on Organizational Effectiveness. A study of the Banking Industry in Nigeria

Technology and the Influence of Corporate Culture on Organizational Effectiveness. A study of the Banking Industry in Nigeria




The study examined the effect of technology on the influence of corporate culture on organizational effectiveness in the Nigerian banking industry. A total of 388 managers were randomly drawn from a population of 13,339 managers of all the 24 banks in Nigeria. The instruments used for data collection were questionnaire and oral interview. A total of 320 copies of the questionnaire were retrieved and analyzed. Spearman’s Rank Correlation Statistical tool was used to test the hypotheses. The findings revealed that organizational technology is significantly related to the influence of corporate culture on organizational effectiveness. Based on these findings we concluded that organizational technology has significant effect on the influence corporate culture on organizational effectiveness. The study therefore recommends technology should be managed effectively to empower workers and improve the competitiveness of organizations. Key Words: organizational technology, corporate culture, organizational effectiveness.
机译:该研究考察了技术对公司文化对尼日利亚银行业组织有效性的影响。从尼日利亚所有24家银行的13339名经理中随机抽取了388名经理。数据收集的工具是问卷调查和口头访谈。总共检索和分析了320份问卷。 Spearman的等级相关统计工具用于检验假设。研究结果表明,组织技术与公司文化对组织有效性的影响密切相关。基于这些发现,我们得出结论,组织技术对企业文化对组织有效性的影响具有显着影响。因此,该研究建议对技术进行有效管理,以赋予员工权力并提高组织的竞争力。关键词:组织技术,企业文化,组织有效性。



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