首页> 外文期刊>Eurasian Journal of Soil Science >Influence of the artisanal gold mining on soil contamination with heavy metals: A case study from Dar-Mali locality, North of Atbara, River Nile State, Sudan

Influence of the artisanal gold mining on soil contamination with heavy metals: A case study from Dar-Mali locality, North of Atbara, River Nile State, Sudan




Twenty soil samples were collected from North of Atbara (Dar-Mali locality),River Nile State, Sudan (17.82289 to 17.82389N and 33.99974 to 34.02127E) inside and outside gold mining area in order to assess the influence of the gold mining on the concentrations of selected heavy metals (Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn, Hg) in study area. The soil contamination by heavy metals of study area was studied using two parameters; (i) Comparison of the heavy metals concentrations with mean concentrations in most world soils, (ii) Enrichment Factor (EF). Results revealed that the concentrations of heavy metals were varying in the study area, the highest concentrations were obtained at the center of mining area particularly inside the mining basins of gold extraction. The concentrations of Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Co, Ni, and Pb were ranged from (4.85 to 34.65 mg kg-1 soil), (6,355 to 14,635 mg kg-1 soil), (37.35 to 655 mg kg-1 soil), (11.85 to 42.7 mg kg-1 soil), (0 to 16.5 mg kg-1 soil,) (2.5 to 47.3 mg kg-1 soil) and (2.65 to 823.5 mg kg-1 soil), respectively. The results also indicated that the soil samples which collected from inside mining basins have a highest EF for most heavy metals particularly Pb, which showed EF value of (676.3), suggesting that the Pb may be derived from anthropogenic source. This study recommends regular monitoring of heavy metals in the soils around the Artisanal gold Mining for conservation and protection from pollution.
机译:从金矿开采区内外的阿特巴拉北部(达马里地区),苏丹尼罗河州(17.82289至17.82389N和33.99974至34.02127E)采集了二十个土壤样品,以评估金矿开采对金矿开采的影响研究区域中所选重金属(Co,Cu,Fe,Mn,Ni,Pb,Zn,Hg)的浓度。利用两个参数研究了研究区重金属对土壤的污染。 (i)比较大多数世界土壤中重金属的浓度与平均浓度,(ii)富集因子(EF)。结果表明,研究区域中的重金属浓度各不相同,其中最高的浓度是在矿区中心获得的,尤其是在金提取矿池内部。 Cu,Fe,Mn,Zn,Co,Ni和Pb的浓度范围为(4.85至34.65 mg kg-1土壤),(6,355至14,635 mg kg-1土壤),(37.35至655 mg kg-1土壤)土壤),(11.85至42.7 mg kg-1土壤),(0至16.5 mg kg-1土壤)(2.5至47.3 mg kg-1土壤)和(2.65至823.5 mg kg-1土壤)。结果还表明,从矿山内部收集的土壤样品对大多数重金属特别是铅具有最高的EF,其EF值为(676.3),表明该Pb可能来自人为来源。这项研究建议定期监测手工金矿周围土壤中的重金属,以保护和防止污染。



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