首页> 外文期刊>Epigenetics & Chromatin >Estrogen induced downregulation of gene expression and cell biological processes critical for genital tubercle formation via DNA methylation

Estrogen induced downregulation of gene expression and cell biological processes critical for genital tubercle formation via DNA methylation




BackgroundHypospadias is one of the most common genital birthdefect, characterized by improper closing of the urethralfolds during development and resulting ectopic opening ofthe urethra. Xenoestrogen (XE) exposure increases therate of hypospadias in both animal models and in humans,in association with gene down regulation.[1,2] Whilemany genes (e.g. SHH, WNT5A, CTNNB1, HOXA13) arecritical for genital tubercle (GT) and urethral developmentin genetically deficient models, the role of such genes inresponse to estrogen exposure in GTs has been less studied.While XE exert known epigenetic effects, themechanism involved is not clear. This study examines theepigenetic effects of XE on GT developmental genes, aswell as on DNA methylation enzymes (DNMTs) involvedin epigenetic downregulation.Material and methodsThe BJ normal human foreskin fibroblast cell line wasused to model GT mesenchyme. They were stimulatedevery 24 hours with 100 nM of diethylstibestrol (DES) for6, 24, 48 and 120 hours +/- 2-dexoxy-5-azacytidine (aza), aDNMT inhibitor. Real-time PCR was performed to examineexpression of candidate genes (WNT5A, HoxA13,HoxA10, DNMT-1, -3Aand-3B, and others), normalizedto rpl19 or gapdh.ResultsDNMTs were all temporally upregulated significantly byDES treatment: 75% at 6 hours for DNMT3A (p2 fold at 120 hours for DNMT1 (p5fold at 6, 24 and 120 hours for DNMT3B. Hox andWNT5A gene expression was conversely downregulatedby DES and partially restored by aza. HoxA13was downregulated between 70-92% at 24, 48 and 120hours of DES treatment (p<0.05). Aza recoveredexpression of HoxA13 by 3-fold (p<0.04) by day 5. At48 hours, Wnt5A also showed downregulated expression,which was increased 5.6-fold by aza (p<0.02),though at other time points was not similarly affectedby DES.ConclusionsDES treatment activates the epigenetic machinery, viaincreased DNMT expression. This epigenetic response isaccompanied by a down regulation of WNT5A andHoxA13, genes critical for GT formation. This downregulationis dependent on DNA methylation as DNMT inhibitionwith aza partially restores HoxA13 and WNT5Aexpression. These results suggest that environmental XEmay act epigenetically to induce long-term alterations ingenes crucial for genital development.
机译:背景低位尿道炎是最常见的生殖器出生缺陷之一,其特征是在发育过程中尿道折叠不当闭合并导致尿道异位开放。异种雌激素(XE)暴露会增加动物模型和人类的尿道下裂的发生率,并伴有基因下调。[1,2]而许多基因(例如SHH,WNT5A,CTNNB1,HOXA13)对生殖器结节(GT)和尿道至关重要在缺乏基因的模型中,当XE发挥已知的表观遗传学作用时,涉及的机制尚不清楚。本研究探讨了XE对GT发育基因以及与表观遗传下调有关的DNA甲基化酶(DNMT)的表观遗传学作用。材料与方法使用BJ正常人包皮成纤维细胞系来模拟GT间充质。他们用100 nM己烯雌酚(DES)刺激24小时,持续6、24、48和120小时+/- 2-dexoxy-5-azacytidine(aza),aDNMT抑制剂。实时PCR检测了候选基因(WNT5A,HoxA13,HoxA10,DNMT-1,-3A和-3B等)的表达,并标准化为rpl19或gapdh。结果通过DES处理,DNMT均在时间上显着上调:6小时时为75% DNMT3A的p2倍(DNMT1的p2倍(DNMT3B的6、24和120小时的p5倍。)Hox和WNT5A基因表达被DES逆转下调,而aza部分还原.HoxA13在24、48和120h时下调70-92% DES处理(p <0.05),在第5天,Aza使HoxA13的表达恢复了3倍(p <0.04),在第48小时,Wnt5A的表达也下调,尽管在200℃时Waz5A的表达增加了5.6倍(p <0.02)。结论DES治疗通过增加DNMT表达激活表观遗传机制,这种表观遗传反应伴随着对GT形成至关重要的基因WNT5A和HoxA13的下调,这种下调依赖于DNA甲基化,如DNMT i。与氮杂的抑制部分还原了HoxA13和WNT5A的表达。这些结果表明,环境XE可能在表观遗传上起作用,以诱导对生殖器发育至关重要的长期基因改变。



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