首页> 外文期刊>Entropy >Robust Signaling for Bursty Interference

Robust Signaling for Bursty Interference




This paper studies a bursty interference channel, where the presence/absence of interference is modeled by a block-i.i.d. Bernoulli process that stays constant for a duration of T symbols (referred to as coherence block) and then changes independently to a new state. We consider both a quasi-static setup, where the interference state remains constant during the whole transmission of the codeword, and an ergodic setup, where a codeword spans several coherence blocks. For the quasi-static setup, we study the largest rate of a coding strategy that provides reliable communication at a basic rate and allows an increased (opportunistic) rate when there is no interference. For the ergodic setup, we study the largest achievable rate. We study how non-causal knowledge of the interference state, referred to as channel-state information ( CSI ), affects the achievable rates. We derive converse and achievability bounds for (i) local CSI at the receiver side only; (ii) local CSI at the transmitter and receiver side; and (iii) global CSI at all nodes. Our bounds allow us to identify when interference burstiness is beneficial and in which scenarios global CSI outperforms local CSI. The joint treatment of the quasi-static and ergodic setup further allows for a thorough comparison of these two setups.
机译:本文研究了突发干扰信道,其中干扰的存在/不存在通过块ID建模。伯努利过程在T个符号的持续时间内保持不变(称为相干块),然后独立改变为新状态。我们考虑准静态设置和遍历设置,在准静态设置中干扰状态在码字的整个传输期间保持恒定,在遍历设置中,码字跨越多个相干块。对于准静态设置,我们研究了最大的编码策略速率,该编码策略以基本速率提供可靠的通信,并在没有干扰的情况下允许提高(机会)速率。对于遍历设置,我们研究了最大可达到的速率。我们研究干扰状态的非因果知识(称为信道状态信息(CSI))如何影响可达到的速率。我们得出(i)仅在接收方的本地CSI的逆和可实现范围; (ii)发送方和接收方的本地CSI; (iii)所有节点上的全局CSI。我们的界限使我们能够确定何时有利于突发干扰以及在哪些情况下全局CSI优于本地CSI。准静态和遍历设置的联合处理进一步允许对这两种设置进行彻底的比较。



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