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Cow power: the energy and emissions benefits of converting manure to biogas




This report consists of a top-level aggregate analysis of the total potential for converting livestock manure into a domestic renewable fuel source (biogas) that could be used to help states meet renewable portfolio standard requirements and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In the US, livestock agriculture produces over one billion tons of manure annually on a renewable basis. Most of this manure is disposed of in lagoons or stored outdoors to decompose. Such disposal methods emit methane and nitrous oxide, two important GHGs with 21 and 310 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide, respectively. In total, GHG emissions from the agricultural sector in the US amounted to 536 million metric tons (MMT) of carbon dioxide equivalent, or 7% of the total US emissions in 2005. Of this agricultural contribution, 51 to 118 MMT of carbon dioxide equivalent resulted from livestock manure emissions alone, with trends showing this contribution increasing from 1990 to 2005. Thus, limiting GHG emissions from manure represents a valuable starting point for mitigating agricultural contributions to global climate change. Anaerobic digestion, a process that converts manure to methane-rich biogas, can lower GHG emissions from manure significantly. Using biogas as a substitute for other fossil fuels, such as coal for electricity generation, replaces two GHG sources—manure and coal combustion—with a less carbon-intensive source, namely biogas combustion. The biogas energy potential was calculated using values for the amount of biogas energy that can be produced per animal unit (defined as 1000 pounds of animal) per day and the number of animal units in the US. The 95 million animal units in the country could produce nearly 1 quad of renewable energy per year, amounting to approximately 1% of the US total energy consumption. Converting the biogas into electricity using standard microturbines could produce 88 ± 20?billion kWh, or 2.4 ± 0.6% of annual electricity consumption in the US. Replacing coal and manure GHG emissions with the emissions from biogas would produce a net potential GHG emissions reduction of 99 ± 59?million metric tons or 3.9 ± 2.3% of the annual GHG emissions from electricity generation in the US.
机译:该报告包括对将牲畜粪便转化为家用可再生燃料源(沼气)的总潜力的高层汇总分析,可用于帮助各州满足可再生能源组合标准要求并减少温室气体(GHG)排放。在美国,畜牧业每年可再生产生的粪便超过十亿吨。大部分粪便被丢弃在泻湖中或储存在户外分解。这种处置方法会排放甲烷和一氧化二氮,这两种重要的温室气体的排放量分别是二氧化碳的全球升温潜能值的21倍和310倍。美国农业部门的温室气体排放总量总计为5.36亿吨二氧化碳当量,占2005年美国总排放量的7%。在农业贡献中,二氧化碳当量为51至118 MMT仅从牲畜粪便排放产生的温室气体排放量就可以看出,从1990年到2005年这种趋势有所增加。因此,限制粪便产生的温室气体排放量是减轻农业对全球气候变化贡献的宝贵起点。将粪便转化为富含甲烷的沼气的厌氧消化可以显着降低粪便的温室气体排放量。用沼气代替其他化石燃料(例如用于发电的煤),用碳强度较低的源(即沼气燃烧)代替了两种温室气体(肥料和燃煤)。使用美国每个动物单位(定义为1000磅动物)每天可以产生的沼气量和动物单位数来计算沼气潜力。美国的9500万动物单位每年可生产近四分之一的可再生能源,约占美国总能源消耗的1%。使用标准的微型涡轮机将沼气转化为电能可产生88±200亿千瓦时的电能,占美国年电力消耗的2.4±0.6%。用沼气排放代替煤和粪肥的温室气体排放量,可将潜在的潜在温室气体排放净减少99±59百万吨,占美国发电年温室气体排放量的3.9±2.3%。



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