首页> 外文期刊>Endocrine journal >Glucocorticoid replacement therapy in adrenal insufficiency — a challenge to physicians?

Glucocorticoid replacement therapy in adrenal insufficiency — a challenge to physicians?




References(10) Cited-By(2) Adrenal insufficiency (AI) is a rare disease caused by destruction of the adrenal glands or dysfunction of the pituitary gland or the hypothalamus. Treatment usually requires lifelong replacement therapy with glucocorticoids. Correct use of glucocorticoids and early dose adjustments are essential to cover the increased glucocorticoid demand in stress. Repeated education of patients and their partners is the best strategy to avoid life-threatening emergencies. However, there is a debate whether physicians’ knowledge regarding AI is sufficient, in part due to the rareness of this endocrine disorder. To determine the present specific knowledge of physicians in a large University Department of Internal Medicine with a clinically and scientifically active Division of Endocrinology, all interns, residents / fellows, specialists or senior physicians / consultants were asked to complete a questionnaire with various possible answers on the subject of AI (n=69, median age 30 years, range 23-49 years). The present data suggest that in the investigated University Hospital setting current physicians’ knowledge of medical replacement strategies in AI may be insufficient depending on the level of education and experience. Even physicians with training in endocrinology in part demonstrated extensive knowledge gaps. There might be a need for additional structured information and training on AI, even in specialized hospitals.
机译:参考文献(10)引用(2)肾上腺功能不全(AI)是由肾上腺破坏或垂体或下丘脑功能障碍引起的罕见疾病。治疗通常需要终身用糖皮质激素替代疗法。正确使用糖皮质激素和及早调整剂量,对于应对压力中增加的糖皮质激素需求至关重要。对患者及其伴侣进行反复教育是避免危及生命的紧急情况的最佳策略。但是,由于内分泌失调的稀有性,目前尚有关于医师对AI的知识是否足够的争论,这是有争议的。为了确定大型内科大学内分泌科临床和科学活跃的内科医生的具体知识,要求所有实习生,住院医师/研究员,专家或高级内科医生/顾问对以下内容进行完整的问卷调查: AI主题(n = 69,中位年龄30岁,范围23-49岁)。当前数据表明,在受调查的大学医院中,根据教育水平和经验水平,当前医生对AI的药物替代策略的知识可能不足。即使是接受过内分泌学培训的医生,也部分地表现出广泛的知识鸿沟。即使在专科医院中,也可能需要有关AI的其他结构化信息和培训。



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