首页> 外文期刊>Endocrine journal >Coexistence of Aldosterone-Producing Adrenocortical Adenoma and Pheochromocytoma in an Ipsilateral Adrenal Gland

Coexistence of Aldosterone-Producing Adrenocortical Adenoma and Pheochromocytoma in an Ipsilateral Adrenal Gland




References(15) Cited-By(3) A 40-year-old female, diagnosed as essential hypertension, demonstrated a 2 cm mass in left adrenal gland by computed tomography without abnormal endocrinological findings. 131 I-adosterol and 123 I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) scintigraphy at 39 years of age showed no abnormal accumulation. Follow up 131 I-adosterol scintigraphy performed one year later showed apparently abnormal uptake and slightly elevated uptake in left adrenal gland. Her physical examination was unremarkable except for mild hypertension. Routine blood chemistry was normal except for hypokalemia. Endocrinological date revealed suppressed plasma renin activity, and elevated plasma aldosterone concentration, and noradrenalin levels. Serial T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging clearly demonstrated two distinct tumors. Furthermore, selective adrenal venous sampling with intravenous ACTH infusion indicated aldosterone-producing adrenocortical adenoma (APA) in left adrenal gland. During operation of adrenal tumor, blood pressure elevated markedly and complication of pheochromocytoma (PC) was suspected. Immunohistochemical findings after left adrenolectomy revealed that the adrenal mass was compatible with APA and PC. Risk of operation against undiagnosed PC is very high and, therefore, it must be diagnosed before surgery. Herein, we present an extremely rare case of the simultaneous occurrence of both APA and PC in an ipsilateral adrenal gland.
机译:参考文献(15)被引(3)一名40岁女性,被诊断为原发性高血压,通过计算机断层扫描显示左肾上腺的肿块为2 cm,没有异常内分泌学发现。 39岁时的131 I-甾醇和123 I-甲酰氨基苄基胍(MIBG)闪烁显像未显示异常蓄积。随访一年后进行的131 I-甾醇闪烁显像显示左肾上腺摄取明显异常,摄取略有升高。除轻度高血压外,她的身体检查无异常。除低钾血症外,常规血液化学正常。内分泌日期显示血浆肾素活性受到抑制,血浆醛固酮浓度和去甲肾上腺素水平升高。连续的T2加权磁共振成像清楚地显示出两个不同的肿瘤。此外,通过静脉内ACTH输注进行选择性肾上腺静脉采样表明左肾上腺中产生醛固酮的肾上腺皮质腺瘤(APA)。肾上腺肿瘤手术期间,血压显着升高,怀疑是嗜铬细胞瘤(PC)并发症。左肾上腺切除术后的免疫组织化学结果显示,肾上腺肿块与APA和PC相容。未经诊断的PC的手术风险很高,因此必须在手术前进行诊断。在本文中,我们介绍了在同侧肾上腺中同时发生APA和PC的极少数情况。



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