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TSH resistance revisited [Review]




References(18) Cited-By(1) Genetic defects of hormone receptors are the most common form of end-organ hormone resistance. One example of such defects is TSH resistance, which is caused by biallelic inactivating mutations in the TSH receptor gene (TSHR). TSH, a master regulator of thyroid functions, affects virtually all cellular processes involving thyroid hormone production, including thyroidal iodine uptake, thyroglobulin iodination, reuptake of iodinated thyroglobulin and thyroid cell growth. Resistance to TSH results in defective thyroid hormone production from the neonatal period, namely congenital hypothyroidism. Classically, clinical phenotypes of TSH resistance due to inactivating TSHR mutations were thought to vary depending on the residual mutant receptor activity. Nonfunctional mutations in the two alleles produce severe thyroid hypoplasia with overt hypothyroidism (uncompensated TSH resistance), while hypomorphic mutations in at least one allele produce normal-sized thyroid gland with preserved hormone-producing capacity (compensated TSH resistance). More recently, a new subgroup of TSH resistance (nonclassic TSH resistance) that is characterized by paradoxically high thyroidal iodine uptake has been reported. In this article, the pathophysiology and clinical features of TSH resistance due to inactivating TSHR mutations are reviewed, with particular attention to the nonclassic form.
机译:参考文献(18)被引用者(1)激素受体的遗传缺陷是终末器官激素抵抗的最常见形式。这种缺陷的一个例子是TSH抗性,它是由TSH受体基因(TSHR)中的双等位基因失活突变引起的。 TSH是甲状腺功能的主要调节剂,几乎影响所有涉及甲状腺激素产生的细胞过程,包括甲状腺碘摄取,甲状腺球蛋白碘化,碘化甲状腺球蛋白再摄取和甲状腺细胞生长。对TSH的耐药性会导致新生儿期甲状腺激素产生缺陷,即先天性甲状腺功能减退。经典地,认为由于失活的TSHR突变​​而导致的TSH抗性的临床表型根据残余的突变受体活性而变化。这两个等位基因中的非功能性突变会导致严重的甲状腺发育不全,伴有明显的甲状腺功能减退(TSH抵抗力未得到补偿),而至少一个等位基因的亚型突变会产生正常大小的甲状腺,其激素产生能力得以维持(TSH抵抗力得到补偿)。最近,已经报道了以反常的高甲状腺碘摄取为特征的新的TSH抗性亚组(非经典的TSH抗性)。本文综述了由于失活的TSHR突变​​导致的TSH耐药的病理生理和临床特征,尤其是对非经典形式的研究。



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