首页> 外文期刊>eLife journal >A model symbiosis reveals a role for sheathed-flagellum rotation in the release of immunogenic lipopolysaccharide

A model symbiosis reveals a role for sheathed-flagellum rotation in the release of immunogenic lipopolysaccharide




While a few of the bacteria that live in and on the bodies of humans and other animals are harmful and can cause disease, most others can offer benefits to their hosts. Many bacteria—including some important human pathogens—have tails called flagella that rotate to move the bacteria inside its host. However, the immune system can detect parts of these flagella and eliminate the pathogen. Bacterial flagella are made from filaments of proteins, and some flagella are also enclosed by a sheath that is similar to the outer membrane that encloses certain bacteria. The function of this sheath is unclear, although some researchers have suggested that it might prevent the immune system from detecting the proteins in the flagellum. Now, by studying the interactions between the Hawaiian bobtail squid and a marine bacterium, Brennan et al. show that the sheath can actually alert the host that the bacteria are around. The Hawaiian bobtail squid collects bioluminescent bacteria within a so-called ‘light organ’. This organ undergoes a number of developmental changes to house the bacteria, and the squid then uses the light from the bacteria to mask its own shadow, which helps it to avoid being detected by predators. Brennan et al. compared how wild-type bacteria and mutant bacteria that either had no flagella, or had flagella that did not rotate, interacted with young squid. Only bacteria with working flagella were able to trigger the normal development of the squid’s light organ, which suggests that the rotating flagella are releasing the signal that tells the squid that the beneficial bacteria are present. Brennan et al. demonstrated that the rotation of sheathed flagella led to the release of a molecule called lipopolysaccharide. This molecule is known to activate the immune system in animals, and it is one of the bacterial signals that the squid responds to. Moreover, when the flagella of other bacteria with sheaths—such as those that cause cholera—are rotating, there is also an increase in the release of lipopolysaccharide. However, rotation of the flagella of bacteria without sheaths has no such effect. The next challenge will be to test the importance of this release of lipopolysaccharide from rotating flagella on the outcome of bacterial diseases of humans and other animals.



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