首页> 外文期刊>eLife journal >Control of voluntary and optogenetically perturbed locomotion by spike rate and timing of neurons of the mouse cerebellar nuclei

Control of voluntary and optogenetically perturbed locomotion by spike rate and timing of neurons of the mouse cerebellar nuclei




Neurons of the cerebellar nuclei (CbN), which generate cerebellar output, are inhibited by Purkinje cells. With extracellular recordings during voluntary locomotion in head-fixed mice, we tested how the rate and coherence of inhibition influence CbN cell firing and well-practiced movements. Firing rates of Purkinje and CbN cells were modulated systematically through the stride cycle (~200–300 ms). Optogenetically stimulating ChR2-expressing Purkinje cells with light steps or trains evoked either asynchronous or synchronous inhibition of CbN cells. Steps slowed CbN firing. Trains suppressed CbN cell firing less effectively, but consistently altered millisecond-scale spike timing. Steps or trains that perturbed stride-related modulation of CbN cell firing rates correlated well with irregularities of movement, suggesting that ongoing locomotion is sensitive to alterations in modulated CbN cell firing. Unperturbed locomotion continued more often during trains than steps, however, suggesting that stride-related modulation of CbN spiking is less readily disrupted by synchronous than asynchronous inhibition.
机译:浦肯野细胞抑制产生小脑输出的小脑核(CbN)神经元。通过头固定型小鼠的自主运动过程中的细胞外记录,我们测试了抑制的速率和连贯性如何影响CbN细胞的发射和良好动作。 Purkinje和CbN细胞的发射速率通过跨步周期(约200–300 ms)得到系统地调节。用光步法或光刺激激发表达ChR2的Purkinje细胞,诱发CbN细胞的异步或同步抑制。采取步骤减慢了立方氮化硼的发射速度。列车抑制CbN细胞的发射效率较低,但始终改变毫秒级的尖峰时间。扰乱步幅相关的CbN细胞放电速率调制的踏板或火车与运动的不规则性很好地相关,这表明正在进行的运动对调制的CbN细胞放电的变化敏感。在火车中,不扰动的运动比起步更频繁地持续,但是,这表明与同步抑制相比,与同步抑制相比,与步幅相关的CbN突增调制更不容易被破坏。



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