首页> 外文期刊>EFSA Journal >Scientific Opinion on the presence of dioxins (PCDD/Fs) and dioxin‐like PCBs (DL‐PCBs) in commercially available foods for infants and young children

Scientific Opinion on the presence of dioxins (PCDD/Fs) and dioxin‐like PCBs (DL‐PCBs) in commercially available foods for infants and young children

机译:关于婴幼儿市售食品中二恶英(PCDD / Fs)和二恶英样多氯联苯(DL-PCBs)的科学见解



EFSA was asked by the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) to deliver a scientific opinion on the presence of dioxins and dioxin‐like polychlorinated biphenyls (DL‐PCBs) in commercially available foods for infants and young children. It was requested to describe the relation of important parameters of the distribution of the occurrence data to the new EU maximum levels (MLs), and to assess whether these MLs are sufficient to aim to decrease the dietary exposure of infants and young children to dioxins and DL‐PCBs. The CONTAM Panel did not perform an exposure or risk assessment, but evaluated whether the enforcement of the new EU MLs will result in a decrease in the concentration of dioxins and DL‐PCBs in foods for infants and young children, and thus in a potential decrease in exposure of this population group. A total of 516 samples was included in the evaluation, reported by 13 European countries and covering the period 2003 to 2011. All accepted data (upper‐bound) were below the current MLs for foods for infants and young children of 0.1 pg WHO_(2005)‐TEQ/g w.w. for dioxins and 0.2 pg WHO_(2005)‐TEQ/g w.w. for the sum of dioxins and DL‐PCBs. Therefore, the CONTAM Panel concluded that, based on the available data, the current MLs are not an incentive to decrease the concentrations of dioxins and DL‐PCBs in the relevant foods. From the reported data, it is not possible to conclude on any time trend concerning the dioxin and DL‐PCB levels in foods for infants and young children. The Panel recommended that more occurrence data on representative samples are needed, particularly for those foods for infants and young children where only a few results are available so far. Moreover, the sensitivity of the analytical methods should be improved, if lower MLs were to be considered in the future.
机译:联邦风险评估研究所(BfR)要求EFSA就婴幼儿市售食品中二恶英和二恶英样多氯联苯(DL-PCBs)的存在提供科学意见。要求描述发生数据分布的重要参数与新的欧盟最高水平(MLs)的关系,并评估这些MLs是否足以减少婴儿和幼儿对二恶英和二恶英的饮食接触。 DL-PCB。 CONTAM小组并未进行暴露或风险评估,但评估了新EU ML的实施是否会导致婴幼儿食品中二恶英和DL-PCBs的浓度降低,并因此有可能降低在这个人群中的暴露。共有516个样本被纳入评估,欧洲的13个国家报告了该样本,涵盖了2003年至2011年。所有接受的数据(上限)均低于0.1 pg的婴幼儿食品目前的最大限量。WHO_(2005 )-TEQ /克ww二恶英和0.2 pg WHO_(2005)-TEQ / g w.w.用于二恶英和DL-PCBs的总和。因此,CONTAM小组得出结论,根据现有数据,当前的最大残留限量并不能降低相关食品中二恶英和DL-PCBs的含量。根据报告的数据,不可能就婴儿食品中的二恶英和DL-PCB水平的任何时间趋势得出结论。专家小组建议,需要更多有代表性的样本的发生数据,尤其是那些迄今只能获得少量结果的婴幼儿食品。此外,如果将来要考虑使用更低的ML,则应提高分析方法的灵敏度。



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