首页> 外文期刊>Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management >A Theoretical Model to Integrate PKM with Kolb?s Learning Model for Mitigating Risks From Exhaustive Internet Exposures

A Theoretical Model to Integrate PKM with Kolb?s Learning Model for Mitigating Risks From Exhaustive Internet Exposures




Recent studies on use of Internet among youngsters suggest problematic behaviour and adverse impacts on overall health as there are uncharted boundaries of information and media through Internet. Such related problems include Internet addiction, shyness, alienation, psychological distress and academic performance decrement over time. As a consequence, the ability of students in tertiary education to communicate effectively and interact humanly could deteriorate as they become more accustomed to networking via Internet. However, students nowadays do increasingly rely on the Internet to perform research under the knowledge?based economy despite concerns over reliability and truthfulness of information available from Internet. Against such a background, we construct a framework for an optimal use of Internet with the main purpose of Personal Knowledge Management (PKM). We argue for an interventionist approach to orient students in tertiary education to develop a strategic mindset that utilizes Internet as a source for developing knowledge about learning outcomes while mitigating the risks associated with over?reliance and inadequate uses. There are specific skills of PKM for an optimal use of Internet. These skills can be learned in the initiation of a study programme and reinforced in course delivery, which include course assessments and assignments provided. Students are advised on the validated sources, such as electronic databases and e?libraries that are well?recognized as knowledge bases for studying and learning. PKM aims to orient students in tertiary education to develop a strategic mindset that exploits Internet as a source for developing knowledge about learning outcomes while mitigating the risks associated with over?reliance and inadequate uses. The importance of orientation, on?going monitoring and reinforcing position habits through pedagogies should be emphasized. A key potential benefit of this approach is to prevent students from adopting habits of using Internet that could cause health?related problems and develop into behaviours that inhibit their future developments.??.
机译:最近有关青少年使用互联网的研究表明,行为问题和对整体健康的不利影响是因为通过互联网存在未知的信息和媒体边界。这些相关的问题包括网络成瘾,羞怯,疏远,心理困扰和学习成绩随时间的下降。结果,随着他们越来越习惯于通过互联网联网,大专学生的有效交流和人际互动的能力可能会下降。然而,尽管人们担心从互联网上获得的信息的可靠性和真实性,但如今他们越来越依赖于互联网在知识经济下进行研究。在这样的背景下,我们构建了一个以个人知识管理(PKM)为主要目的的互联网最佳使用框架。我们主张采用干预主义的方法来指导学生接受高等教育,以发展战略思维,利用互联网作为发展学习成果知识的来源,同时减轻过度依赖和使用不当带来的风险。 PKM具有特定的技能,可以最佳地利用Internet。这些技能可以在学习计划启动时学习,并在课程交付中得到加强,其中包括提供的课程评估和作业。建议学生使用经过验证的资源,例如众所周知的电子数据库和电子图书馆,这些文献是学习和学习的知识库。 PKM旨在指导学生接受高等教育,以发展战略思维,利用互联网作为发展学习成果知识的来源,同时减轻与过度依赖和使用不当相关的风险。应该强调定向的重要性,要通过教学不断进行监测和加强位置习惯。这种方法的潜在潜在好处是防止学生养成使用Internet的习惯,这种习惯可能导致健康相关的问题,并发展为阻碍其未来发展的行为。



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