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CPLFD-GDPT5: High-resolution gridded daily precipitation and temperature data set for two largest Polish river basins




The CHASE-PL (Climate change impact assessment for selected sectors in Poland) Forcing Data–Gridded Daily Precipitation & Temperature Dataset–5?km (CPLFD-GDPT5) consists of 1951–2013 daily minimum and maximum air temperatures and precipitation totals interpolated onto a 5?km grid based on daily meteorological observations from the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMGW-PIB; Polish stations), Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD, German and Czech stations), and European Climate Assessment and Dataset (ECAD) and National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration–National Climatic Data Center (NOAA-NCDC) (Slovak, Ukrainian, and Belarusian stations). The main purpose for constructing this product was the need for long-term aerial precipitation and temperature data for earth-system modelling, especially hydrological modelling. The spatial coverage is the union of the Vistula and Oder basins and Polish territory. The number of available meteorological stations for precipitation and temperature varies in time from about 100 for temperature and 300 for precipitation in the 1950s up to about 180 for temperature and 700 for precipitation in the 1990s. The precipitation data set was corrected for snowfall and rainfall under-catch with the Richter method. The interpolation methods were kriging with elevation as external drift for temperatures and indicator kriging combined with universal kriging for precipitation. The kriging cross validation revealed low root-mean-squared errors expressed as a fraction of standard deviation (SD): 0.54 and 0.47 for minimum and maximum temperature, respectively, and 0.79 for precipitation. The correlation scores were 0.84 for minimum temperatures, 0.88 for maximum temperatures, and 0.65 for precipitation. The CPLFD-GDPT5 product is consistent with 1971–2000 climatic data published by IMGW-PIB. We also confirm good skill of the product for hydrological modelling by performing an application using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) in the Vistula and Oder basins. Link to the data set: doi:10.4121/uuid:e939aec0-bdd1-440f-bd1e-c49ff10d0a07.
机译:CHASE-PL(波兰选定行业的气候变化影响评估)强迫数据–网格每日降水与温度数据集–5?km(CPLFD-GDPT5)由1951–2013年的每日最低和最高气温和降水总量组成,插值到基于气象和水管理协会(IMGW-PIB;波兰气象站),德国气象局(DWD,德国和捷克气象站),欧洲气候评估和数据集(ECAD)以及美国国家海洋与大气研究所的每日气象观测结果,得出5公里的网格大气管理局-国家气候数据中心(NOAA-NCDC)(斯洛伐克,乌克兰和白俄罗斯站)。构造此产品的主要目的是需要长期的空中降水和温度数据,以进行地球系统建模,尤其是水文建模。空间覆盖范围是维斯瓦河和奥得河盆地与波兰领土的结合。可用的降水和温度气象站数量随时间变化,从1950年代的温度约100个,降水的300个到1990年代的温度约180个和700个左右。用Richter方法校正了降雨数据集的降雪量和雨量不足。插值方法是使用海拔高度作为外部漂移的Kriging,以及将指标Kriging与降水的通用Kriging相结合。克里金法交叉验证显示出低的均方根误差,表示为标准偏差(SD)的一部分:最低和最高温度分别为0.54和0.47,而降水量为0.79。最低温度的相关分数是0.84,最高温度的相关分数是0.88,而降水的0.65。 CPLFD-GDPT5产品与IMGW-PIB发布的1971-2000年气候数据一致。通过在维斯杜拉河和奥得河盆地使用土壤和水评估工具(SWAT)进行应用,我们还确认了该产品在水文建模方面的出色技能。链接到数据集:doi:10.4121 / uuid:e939aec0-bdd1-440f-bd1e-c49ff10d0a07。



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