首页> 外文期刊>Ekonomska Istrazivanja >Is economics scientific discipline loyal to its own starting points and fundamental principles?

Is economics scientific discipline loyal to its own starting points and fundamental principles?




The article argues that the economic scientific community, by disregarding the importance of freedom which was essential for its emancipation and market as its key criterion of choice, is disloyal to its own starting points and fundamental principles. By dictating strict methodological rules the neoclassical school has consolidated its monopoly position within economics. The article highlights that this methodological normativism is substantially reducing the diversity of methodological approaches and that such restriction of freedom has become a source of subordination within economic community. The author argues that today a new emancipation is needed, with a strong emphasis on the freedom to forge new approaches and acute awareness of the fact that no theoretical platform can persist without adequate demand for its findings in the science market.



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