首页> 外文期刊>Ekonomska Istrazivanja >Authentic leadership, employees’ job satisfaction, and work engagement: a hierarchical linear modelling approach

Authentic leadership, employees’ job satisfaction, and work engagement: a hierarchical linear modelling approach




The purpose of this study is to develop and test empirically a multilevel model of cross-level interactions between authentic leadership at the team level and job satisfaction and work engagement at the individual level. Using data from 23 team supervisors and 289 team members, the study also investigates the mediating role of perceived supervisor support in the proposed cross-level relationships. For validation of the measurement instrument, we first applied confirmatory factor analysis using LISREL 8.80 software. The hierarchical linear modelling analysis demonstrated a positive relationship between authentic leadership, employees’ job satisfaction, and work engagement. In addition, the relationship between authentic leadership and job satisfaction is fully mediated by perceived supervisor support, whereas we have also found support for partial mediation of perceived supervisor support in the relationship between authentic leadership and employees’ work engagement. A key originality and the theoretical and methodological contribution of this study lies in a multilevel approach that builds upon a sample of leaders and a number of their followers. We also address managerial implications and discuss future research suggestions.
机译:这项研究的目的是开发和经验性地测试和测试团队级别的真实领导与个人满意度和工作满意度以及工作投入之间的跨级别交互作用的多层次模型。使用来自23名团队主管和289位团队成员的数据,该研究还调查了主管的支持在建议的跨级别关系中的中介作用。为了验证测量仪器,我们首先使用LISREL 8.80软件进行了验证性因子分析。分层线性建模分析表明,真实的领导,员工的工作满意度和工作投入之间存在正相关关系。此外,真实的领导力和工作满意度之间的关系完全由主管的感知支持来调节,而我们也发现,在真实的领导力与员工的工作投入之间的关系中,可以部分协调感知的主管支持。这项研究的关键创意以及理论和方法论的贡献在于建立在一个领导者及其众多追随者的样本之上的多层次方法。我们还将解决管理问题并讨论未来的研究建议。



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