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Periodic Assessments and Diagnostic Reports: Case Studies in Mathematics and Literacy Intervention Program




This paper discusses the formative use of periodic assessments as they were developed and are in use by America’s Choice Pearson in its mathematics and language arts intervention programs. It is a practical case study of the use of design principles in creating assessments that are useful for classroom teachers and, by the nature of their design, provide diagnostic information that is instructionally relevant. The use of these measures varies with the program but all of them are designed to highlight misconceptions or common error patterns. It is important to recognize that misconceptions occur in both content domains, as they do in other domains. Uncovering misconceptions or error patterns offers tremendous insight into a formative use of assessments, since the reasons behind answering a question incorrectly can directly inform instructional practice. This approach is also underscored by some of the suggestions in the lead article in this issue of ED.
机译:本文讨论了定期评估的形成方式,该评估方法是美国Choice Pearson在其数学和语言艺术干预计划中开发并使用的。这是在设计评估中使用设计原则的实际案例研究,该评估对课堂教师有用,并根据其设计的性质提供与教学相关的诊断信息。这些措施的使用随程序的不同而不同,但是所有这些措施的目的都是为了突出误解或常见的错误模式。重要的是要认识到误解在两个内容域中都会发生,就像在其他域中一样。揭露误解或错误模式可为评估的形成性使用提供巨大的见解,因为错误回答问题的背后原因可以直接指导教学实践。本期《教育》杂志的前一篇文章中的一些建议也强调了这种方法。



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