首页> 外文期刊>Ecology and Evolution >Sea ice meiofauna distribution on local to pan‐Arctic scales

Sea ice meiofauna distribution on local to pan‐Arctic scales




Arctic sea ice provides microhabitats for biota that inhabit the liquid‐filled network of brine channels and the ice–water interface. We used meta‐analysis of 23 published and unpublished datasets comprising 721 ice cores to synthesize the variability in composition and abundance of sea ice meiofauna at spatial scales ranging from within a single ice core to pan‐Arctic and seasonal scales. Two‐thirds of meiofauna individuals occurred in the bottom 10?cm of the ice. Locally, replicate cores taken within meters of each other were broadly similar in meiofauna composition and abundance, while those a few km apart varied more; 75% of variation was explained by station. At the regional scale (Bering Sea first‐year ice), meiofauna abundance varied over two orders of magnitude. At the pan‐Arctic scale, the same phyla were found across the region, with taxa that have resting stages or tolerance to extreme conditions (e.g., nematodes and rotifers) dominating abundances. Meroplankton, however, was restricted to nearshore locations and landfast sea ice. Light availability, ice thickness, and distance from land were significant predictor variables for community composition on different scales. On a seasonal scale, abundances varied broadly for all taxa and in relation to the annual ice algal bloom cycle in both landfast and pack ice. Documentation of ice biota composition, abundance, and natural variability is critical for evaluating responses to decline in Arctic sea ice. Consistent methodology and protocols must be established for comparability of meiofauna monitoring across the Arctic. We recommend to (1) increase taxonomic resolution of sea ice meiofauna, (2) focus sampling on times of peak abundance when seasonal sampling is impossible, (3) include the bottom 30?cm of ice cores rather than only bottom 10?cm, (4) preserve specimens for molecular analysis to improve taxonomic resolution, and (5) formulate a trait‐based framework that relates to ecosystem functioning.
机译:北极海冰为栖息在充满液体的盐水通道网络和冰水界面的生物群提供了微生境。我们对包括721个冰芯在内的23个已发布和未发布的数据集进行了荟萃分析,以合成海冰中动物的组成和丰度变化,其空间范围从单个冰芯到泛北极和季节性尺度不等。三分之二的中型动物生活在冰的底部10厘米处。就局部而言,彼此相距一米以内的复制岩心在动物群落组成和丰度上大致相似,而相距几公里的岩心变化更大。站点解释了75%的变化。在区域范围内(白令海第一年冰),淡水动植物的丰度变化了两个数量级。在整个北极地区,整个区域都发现了相同的门,其中有大量处于休息阶段或对极端条件(例如线虫和轮虫)具有耐受性的分类单元。然而,浮游生物仅限于近岸和陆地海冰。在不同尺度上,光的可利用性,冰的厚度以及与陆地的距离是社区组成的重要预测变量。在季节尺度上,所有类群的丰度变化很大,并且与陆生和浮冰中的年度冰藻开花周期有关。对于评估北极海冰下降的响应,冰生物群组成,丰度和自然变异性的记录至关重要。必须建立一致的方法和协议,以便在整个北极地区对动物群落进行监测。我们建议(1)提高海冰鱼类的分类学分辨率;(2)在不可能进行季节性采样的情况下,将采样重点放在高峰丰度的时间;(3)包括冰芯底部30?cm而不是底部10?cm, (4)保存标本用于分子分析,以提高分类学分辨率;(5)制定与生态系统功能相关的基于特征的框架。



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