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Seasonal dynamics of arboreal spider diversity in a temperate forest




AbstractMeasuring and estimating biodiversity patterns is a fundamental task of the scientist working to support conservation and inform management decisions. Most biodiversity studies in temperate regions were often carried out over a very short period of time (e.g., a single season) and it is often—at least tacitly—assumed that these short-term findings are representative of long-term general patterns. However, should the studied biodiversity pattern in fact contain significant temporal dynamics, perhaps leading to contradictory conclusions. Here, we studied the seasonal diversity dynamics of arboreal spider communities dwelling in 216 European beeches (Fagus sylvatica L.) to assess the spider community composition in the following seasons: two cold seasons (I: November 2005–January 2006; II: February–April) and two warm seasons (III: May–July; IV: August–October). We show that the usually measured diversity of the warm season community (IV: 58 estimated species) alone did not deliver a reliable image of the overall diversity present in these trees, and therefore, we recommend it should not be used for sampling protocols aimed at providing a full picture of a forest's biodiversity in the temperate zones. In particular, when the additional samplings of other seasons (I, II, III) were included, the estimated species richness nearly doubled (108). Community I possessed the lowest diversity and evenness due to the harsh winter conditions: this community was comprised of one dominant species together with several species low in abundance. Similarity was lowest (38.6%) between seasonal communities I and III, indicating a significant species turnover due to recolonization, so that community III had the highest diversity. Finally, using nonparametric estimators, we found that further sampling in late winter (February–April) is most needed to complete our inventory. Our study clearly demonstrates that seasonal dynamics of communities should be taken into account when studying biodiversity patterns of spiders, and probably forest arthropods in general.
机译:摘要测量和估算生物多样性模式是科学家的一项基本任务,旨在支持保护工作并为管理决策提供依据。温带地区的大多数生物多样性研究通常是在很短的时间内(例如,一个季节)进行的,并且至少在默认情况下,通常认为这些短期发现代表了长期的总体格局。但是,如果所研究的生物多样性模式实际上包含重要的时间动态,也许会得出矛盾的结论。在这里,我们研究了居住在216个欧洲山毛榉(Fagus sylvatica L.)中的树栖蜘蛛群落的季节性多样性动态,以评估以下季节的蜘蛛群落组成:两个寒冷季节(I:2005年11月至2006年1月; II:2月– 4月)和两个暖季(III:五月至七月; IV:八月至十月)。我们表明,通常仅测量的暖季群落的多样性(IV:估计的58个物种)不能提供这些树木中总体多样性的可靠图像,因此,我们建议不应将其用于旨在提供温带地区森林生物多样性的全貌。特别是,当包括其他季节(I,II,III)的额外采样时,估计的物种丰富度几乎翻了一番(108)。由于严酷的冬季条件,第一社区的多样性和均匀性最低:该社区由一个优势种和几个丰度低的物种组成。第一和第三季节群落之间的相似度最低(38.6%),这表明由于重新定殖,物种的周转率很高,因此第三群落的多样性最高。最后,使用非参数估计量,我们发现最需要在冬季末(2月至4月)进行进一步抽样以完成清单。我们的研究清楚地表明,在研究蜘蛛以及一般的森林节肢动物的生物多样性模式时,应考虑到社区的季节性动态。



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