首页> 外文期刊>Ecology and Evolution >Life history constraints explain negative relationship between fish productivity and dissolved organic carbon in lakes

Life history constraints explain negative relationship between fish productivity and dissolved organic carbon in lakes




Abstract Resource availability constrains the life history strategies available to organisms and may thereby limit population growth rates and productivity. We used this conceptual framework to explore the mechanisms driving recently reported negative relationships between fish productivity and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in lakes. We studied populations of bluegill ( Lepomis macrochirus ) in a set of lakes with DOC concentrations ranging from 3 to 24 mg/L; previous work has demonstrated that primary and secondary productivity of food webs is negatively related to DOC concentration across this gradient. For each population, we quantified individual growth rate, age at maturity, age-specific fecundity, maximum age, length-weight and length-egg size relationships, and other life history characteristics. We observed a strong negative relationship between maximum size and DOC concentration; for instance, fish reached masses of 150 to 260 g in low-DOC lakes but <120 g in high-DOC lakes. Relationships between fecundity and length, and between egg size and length, were constant across the DOC gradient. Because fish in high-DOC lakes reached smaller sizes but had similar fecundity and egg size at a given size, their total lifetime fecundity was as much as two orders of magnitude lower than fish in low-DOC lakes. High DOC concentrations appeared to constrain the range of bluegill life history strategies available; populations in high-DOC lakes always had low initial growth rates and high ages at maturity, whereas populations in low-DOC showed higher variability in these traits. This was also the case for the intrinsic rates of natural increase of these populations, which were always low at the high end of the DOC gradient. The potentially lower capacity for fish populations in high-DOC lakes to recover from exploitation has clear implications for the sustainable management of recreational fisheries in the face of considerable spatial heterogeneity and ongoing temporal change in lake DOC concentrations.
机译:摘要资源的可用性限制了生物体可以利用的生命史策略,从而可能限制种群的增长率和生产力。我们使用此概念框架来探索驱动最近报告的鱼类生产力与湖泊中溶解有机碳(DOC)浓度之间负相关关系的机制。我们研究了一组湖中DOC浓度为3至24 mg / L的蓝g(Lepomis macrochirus)种群;先前的工作表明,在这个梯度上,食物网的初级和次级生产力与DOC浓度呈负相关。对于每个人口,我们量化了个体的生长速度,成熟年龄,特定年龄的生殖力,最大年龄,体长-体重和体长-卵的大小关系以及其他生活史特征。我们观察到最大粒径与DOC浓度之间存在强烈的负相关关系。例如,低DOC湖泊的鱼类达到150至260 g的质量,而高DOC湖泊则小于120 g。在DOC梯度上,繁殖力与长度之间,卵大小与长度之间的关系是恒定的。由于高DOC湖泊中的鱼类体型较小,但在给定大小下的繁殖力和卵大小相似,因此它们的一生总繁殖力比低DOC湖泊中的鱼类低两个数量级。高DOC浓度似乎限制了可用的蓝g生活史策略的范围;高DOC湖泊中的种群始终具有较低的初始增长率和成熟期,而低DOC种群在这些特征上表现出较高的变异性。这些人口的自然增长率的内在情况也是如此,在DOC梯度的高端总是较低。面对相当大的空间异质性和DOC浓度不断变化的情况,高DOC湖泊中鱼类种群从开发中恢复的潜在能力可能降低,对休闲渔业的可持续管理产生了明显影响。


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