首页> 外文期刊>Econometrics >Nonparametric Regression Estimation for Multivariate Null Recurrent Processes

Nonparametric Regression Estimation for Multivariate Null Recurrent Processes




This paper discusses nonparametric kernel regression with the regressor being a d-dimensional β-null recurrent process in presence of conditional heteroscedasticity. We show that the mean function estimator is consistent with convergence rate n ( T ) h d , where n ( T ) is the number of regenerations for a β-null recurrent process and the limiting distribution (with proper normalization) is normal. Furthermore, we show that the two-step estimator for the volatility function is consistent. The finite sample performance of the estimate is quite reasonable when the leave-one-out cross validation method is used for bandwidth selection. We apply the proposed method to study the relationship of Federal funds rate with 3-month and 5-year T-bill rates and discover the existence of nonlinearity of the relationship. Furthermore, the in-sample and out-of-sample performance of the nonparametric model is far better than the linear model.
机译:本文讨论非参数核回归,其中回归子是存在条件异方差的d维β-null递归过程。我们表明,均值函数估计量与收敛速度n(T)h d一致,其中n(T)是β空循环过程的再生次数,并且极限分布(通过适当的归一化)是正态的。此外,我们证明了波动率函数的两步估计是一致的。当采用留一法交叉验证方法进行带宽选择时,估计的有限样本性能是相当合理的。我们采用提出的方法来研究联邦基金利率与3个月和5年期国库券利率之间的关系,并发现该关系存在非线性。此外,非参数模型的样本内和样本外性能远优于线性模型。



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