首页> 外文期刊>Italian journal of pediatrics >Cranial ultrasound findings in late preterm infants and correlation with perinatal risk factors

Cranial ultrasound findings in late preterm infants and correlation with perinatal risk factors




Background Late preterm infants are the most represented premature babies. They are exposed to a wide spectrum of brain lesions which are often clinically silent, supporting a possible role of cerebral ultrasound screening. Aim of the study is to describe the pattern of cranial ultrasound abnormalities in late preterm infants and to define the need for cranial ultrasound according to perinatal risk factors. Methods A hospital-based cranial ultrasound screening was carried out by performing two scans (at 1 and 5?weeks). Unfavorable cranial ultrasound at 5?weeks was defined as either persistent periventricular hyperechogenicity or severe abnormalities. Results One thousand one hundred seventy-two infants were included. Periventricular hyperechogenicity and severe abnormalities were observed in, respectively, 19.6?% and 1?% of late preterms at birth versus 1.8?% and 1.4?% at 5?weeks. Periventricular hyperechogenicity resolved in 91.3?%. At the univariate analysis gestational age (OR 0.5, 95?% CI 0.32-0.77), Apgar score Conclusion Gestational age and comorbitidies are the most important risk factors for detecting brain lesions. The combination of being born at 34?weeks and developing RDS represents the strongest indication to perform a cranial ultrasound. Differently from other studies, twin pregnancy doesn’t represent a risk factor.
机译:背景早产婴儿是最有代表性的早产婴儿。它们暴露于通常在临床上无声的广泛的脑部病变,支持脑部超声筛查的可能作用。该研究的目的是描述晚期早产儿颅骨超声异常的类型,并根据围产期危险因素确定对颅骨超声的需求。方法以医院为基础的颅骨超声检查通过两次扫描(分别在1和5周)进行。 5周时颅内超声检查的不良定义是持续性室性高回声或严重异常。结果共纳入112例婴儿。在出生后的早产中,分别观察到室性高回声和严重异常,分别为19.6%和1%,而在5周时则为1.8%和1.4%。脑室周围的高回声可解决91.3%。在单变量分析胎龄(OR 0.5,95%CI 0.32-0.77)下,Apgar得分结论胎龄和合并症是检测脑部病变的最重要风险因素。在出生34周时出生并发展RDS的组合是进行颅内超声检查的最强指示。与其他研究不同,双胎妊娠并不代表危险因素。



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