首页> 外文期刊>Italian journal of animal science >Testicular Growth and Comb and Wattles Development in Three Italian Chicken Genotypes Reared Under Free-Range Conditions

Testicular Growth and Comb and Wattles Development in Three Italian Chicken Genotypes Reared Under Free-Range Conditions




Male chickens belonging to three Italian purebreds – Ermellinata di Rovigo (ER), Robusta lionata (RL) and Robusta maculata (RM) – were studied. All the birds were reared under the same rearing conditions (from May until autumn). Chickens were reared under infra-red lamps from birth until 4 weeks of age with a 24L:0D photoperiod. Then they were kept outdoor: the photoperiod changed according to the season (from 16L:8D to 12L:12D). At 138 and 168 days of age 20 birds/breed were weighed and then slaughtered. Testicular samples were collected, after evisceration, processed and embedded in paraffine wax. Sections were stained for morphological observations, observed with light microscope, and then classified according to the testis maturation stage. Ermellinata di Rovigo chickens showed the lowest (P Robusta maculata showed a significant correlation between testes weight and comb (P<0.01) and wattles weight (P<0.10). Our results suggest that under the studied environmental conditions ER showed the highest testes development according to its more precocious achievement of adult body weight, whereas RL was the least precocious purebred.
机译:研究了属于三种意大利纯种的雄鸡-Ermellinata di Rovigo(ER),Robusta lionata(RL)和Robusta maculata(RM)。所有的鸟都在相同的饲养条件下饲养(从五月到秋天)。从出生到4周龄,在红外线灯下饲养鸡,光照时间为24L:0D。然后将它们放置在室外:光周期根据季节而变化(从16L:8D变为12L:12D)。在138和168日龄时,称重20只鸟/品种,然后宰杀。去除内脏后,收集睾丸样品,进行处理并包埋在石蜡中。将切片染色以观察形态,用光学显微镜观察,然后根据睾丸成熟阶段进行分类。 Ermellinata di Rovigo鸡表现最低(P Robusta maculata表现出睾丸重量和梳理之间的显着相关性(P <0.01)和蜡质重量(P <0.10)。早熟的成年体重,而RL是最不早熟的纯种。



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