首页> 外文期刊>Iranian journal of psychiatry. >Broader Autism Phenotype in Iranian Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders vs. Normal Children

Broader Autism Phenotype in Iranian Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders vs. Normal Children




ObjectiveThe aim of the present study was to compare the broader autism phenotype in Iranian parents of children with autism spectrum disorders and parents of typically developing children.MethodParents of children with ASD and parents of typically developing children were asked to complete the Persian version of the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ). In the ASD group, families included 204 parents (96 fathers and 108 mothers) of children diagnosed as having autism (Autistic Disorder, or AD) (n=124), Asperger Syndrome (AS) or High Functioning Autism (HFA) (n=48) and Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) (n=32) by psychiatrists based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-4thedition (DSM-IV-TR) criteria. In the control group, 210 (108 fathers and 102 mothers) parents of typically developing children. Parents of typically developing children were selected from four primary schools. Based on family reports, their children did not have any psychiatric problems. Total AQ score and each of the 5 subscales were analyzed using two-way ANOVAs with sex and group as factors.ResultsThe mean age of ASD fathers was 40.6 years (SD=5.96; range 31-54), and of ASD mothers was 34.7 years (SD=4.55; range 28-45). The mean age of control fathers was 37 years (SD=4.6; range 29-45) and of control mothers was 34.11 years (SD=4.86; range 28-45). Group differences were found in age (p ? 0/001). On total AQ, a main effect for group and sex was found. ASD parents scored higher than controls (F(1,410)=77.876, P ? 0/001) and males scored higher than females (F(1,410)=23.324, P ? 0/001). Also, Group by Sex interaction was significant (F(1,410)=4.986, P ? 0/05). Results of MANOVA analysis displayed significant differences between ASD's subgroups on total AQ and subscales scores (F (15, 1121)=13.924, p < 0.0005; Wilk's Lambda= 0.624, partial =0.145). Pairwise comparisons between ASD's subgroups and Normal group showed that mean scores for the Asperger group are significantly more than other groups in total AQ, attention switching and communication subscales (p < 0.05). The frequencies of BAP (X^2=52.721 (DF=1), P ? 0/001), MAP (X^2=17.133 (DF=1), P ? 0/001) and NAP (X^2=12.722 (DF=1), P ? 0/001) in ASD parents were significantly more than control parents. The frequencies of Broader Autism Phenotype (BAP) (X^2=3.842 (DF=1), P?0/05) and Medium Autism phenotype (MAP) (X^2=0.060 (DF=1), P?0/05) did not significantly differ in ASD fathers and mothers, but the proportion of fathers in Narrow Autism Phenotype(NAP) range was more than mothers (X2=14.344, P ? 0/001).ConclusionResults of the present study revealed that parents of children with ASD scored significantly higher than control parents on total AQ and its subscales and the rates of BAP, MAP and NAP were higher in ASD parents than in controls. In addition, in ASD's subgroups, the parents of Asperger children scored significantly more than other subgroups (Autism and PDD-nos) and the normal group on total AQ and some subscales.
机译:目的本研究的目的是比较伊朗自闭症谱系障碍儿童父母和典型发育儿童的父母的更广泛的自闭症表型。方法ASD儿童父母和典型发育儿童的父母被要求完成波斯语版本的自闭症频谱商(AQ)。在ASD组中,家庭包括204位父母(96位父亲和108位母亲),被诊断患有自闭症(自闭症或AD)(n = 124),阿斯伯格综合症(AS)或高功能自闭症(HFA)(n = 48)和精神病医生根据《精神疾病诊断和统计手册第4版》(DSM-IV-TR)的标准以其他方式未指定的普遍性发育障碍(PDD-NOS)(n = 32)。在对照组中,通常发育的儿童有210位父母(108位父亲和102位母亲)。从四所小学选拔通常发育中的孩子的父母。根据家庭报告,他们的孩子没有任何精神病问题。使用性别和组作为因素的双向ANOVA分析总AQ得分和5个分量表中的每一个。结果ASD父亲的平均年龄为40.6岁(SD = 5.96;范围31-54),ASD母亲的平均年龄为34.7岁(SD = 4.55;范围28-45)。对照父亲的平均年龄为37岁(SD = 4.6;范围29-45),对照母亲的平均年龄为34.11岁(SD = 4.86;范围28-45)。发现年龄上存在群体差异(p = 0/001)。在总的AQ上,发现了对群体和性别的主要影响。 ASD父母的得分高于对照组(F(1,410)= 77.876,P = 0/001),而男性的得分则高于女性(F(1,410)= 23.324,P = 0/001)。同样,按性别分组的交互作用也很显着(F(1,410)= 4.986,P = 0/05)。 MANOVA分析的结果显示,ASD的亚组在总AQ和分量表得分上存在显着差异(F(15,1121)= 13.924,p <0.0005; Wilk's Lambda = 0.624,部分= 0.145)。 ASD的亚组与正常组的成对比较显示,阿斯伯格组的平均得分在总AQ,注意力切换和交流分量表上明显高于其他组(p <0.05)。 BAP(X ^ 2 = 52.721(DF = 1),P?0/001),MAP(X ^ 2 = 17.133(DF = 1),P?0/001)和NAP(X ^ 2 = 12.722)的频率(DF = 1),P≥0/ 001)在ASD父母中明显多于对照父母。广泛自闭症表型(BAP)(X ^ 2 = 3.842(DF = 1),P?0/05)和中度自闭症表型(MAP)(X ^ 2 = 0.060(DF = 1),P?0 / 05)ASD父亲和母亲的父亲之间没有显着差异,但狭窄自闭症表型(NAP)范围内父亲的比例大于母亲(X2 = 14.344,P?0/001)。 ASD儿童的总AQ及其分量表的得分显着高于对照父母,并且ASD父母的BAP,MAP和NAP比率高于对照组。此外,在ASD的亚组中,Asperger儿童的父母在总AQ和某些亚量表上的得分明显高于其他亚组(自闭症和PDD-nos)和正常组。



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