首页> 外文期刊>International Scholarly Research Notices >Urinary Tract Infection Prophylaxis in Children with Neurogenic Bladder with Cranberry Capsules: Randomized Controlled Trial

Urinary Tract Infection Prophylaxis in Children with Neurogenic Bladder with Cranberry Capsules: Randomized Controlled Trial




Objectives. The aim of this randomized controlled prospective study is to evaluate the efficacy of cranberry capsules for prevention of UTI in children with neurogenic bladder caused by myelomeningocele.Patients and Methods. To be eligible for this study, patients had to be diagnosed as neurogenic bladder caused by myelomeningocele, evaluated urodynamically, followed up with clean intermittent catheterization and anticholinergic drugs.Intervention. Six months of treatment with placebo; after a week of wash-out period treatment of cranberry extract tablets (1 capsule/day) for an additional 6 months. Randomization was performed sequentially. Patients and care givers were blinded to drug assignment. Main outcome measure was infection rate. Group comparisons were performed with Wilcoxon test.Results. The study population included 20 (F/M: 13/7) patients with neurogenic bladder with the mean age of7.25±3.49(4, 18) years. The median UTI rate was 0.5/year during placebo usage whereas 0/year during cranberry capsule usage. Decrease in infection rate was significant with cranberry capsule usage (P=0.012). Decrease in the percentage of the pyuria was also recorded as significant (P=0.000). Any adverse events or side effects were not recorded.Conclusion. We concluded that cranberry capsules could be an encouraging option for the prevention of recurrent UTI in children with neurogenic bladder caused by myelomeningocele.
机译:目标。这项随机对照前瞻性研究的目的是评估蔓越莓胶囊预防髓鞘膜膨出引起的神经源性膀胱炎患儿尿路感染的疗效。患者和方法。为了符合这项研究的条件,必须将患者诊断为由脊髓膜囊膨出引起的神经源性膀胱,进行尿流动力学评估,随后进行干净的间歇性导管插入术和抗胆碱能药物。安慰剂治疗六个月;冲洗一周后,蔓越莓提取物片(每天1粒胶囊)再治疗6个月。随机进行顺序。患者和护理人员对药物分配不了解。主要结局指标为感染率。用Wilcoxon检验进行组比较。研究人群包括20名(F / M:13/7)神经源性膀胱癌患者,平均年龄为7.25±3.49(4、18)岁。在安慰剂使用期间,UTI的中位数率为0.5 /年,而在蔓越莓胶囊使用期间,其UTI率为0 /年。蔓越莓胶囊的使用显着降低了感染率(P = 0.012)。脓尿百分比的减少也被记录为显着(P = 0.000)。未记录任何不良事件或副作用。我们得出的结论是,蔓越莓胶囊对于预防由脊髓膜膨出引起的神经源性膀胱小儿复发性UTI可能是一个令人鼓舞的选择。



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