首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Surgery Case Reports >Giant siliconoma mimicking locally advanced breast cancer: A case report and review of literature

Giant siliconoma mimicking locally advanced breast cancer: A case report and review of literature




Introduction Silicone prosthetics are widely used for breast augmentation and reconstruction. These devices may extrude free silicone into surrounding tissue, stimulating a granulomatous foreign body reaction. The resulting mass can mimic breast cancer. Presentation of Case 71 year old female with a history of a ruptured silicone implant presents with an enlarging left breast mass. Exam demonstrated and ulcerated, fungating mass with active infection. CT scan demonstrated a 23?×?15?cm mass involving the breast and chest wall with axillary lymphadenopathy. Preoperative biopsies were inconclusive and the patient underwent a modified radical mastectomy. Pathology demonstrated a siliconoma. Discussion While benign, silicone granulomas of the breast can present similarly to malignancy and are an important differential in the diagnosis of a breast or axillary mass for appropriate patients. MRI is the study of choice and core needle biopsies cannot always establish the diagnosis preoperatively. PET scans can be falsely positive and the diagnosis requires an extensive workup to rule out cancer. Conclusion Siliconomas develop as a result of implant rupture and present with many of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer. The majority of patients should undergo surgery for symptom relief or to rule out cancer.
机译:简介硅胶假体广泛用于隆胸和重建。这些设备可能会将游离的有机硅挤出到周围的组织中,从而刺激肉芽肿异物反应。产生的肿块可以模仿乳腺癌。病例71岁的女性有硅胶植入物破裂的病史,伴有左乳房肿块增大。考试证明并溃疡,伴有活动性感染。 CT扫描显示有23××15-15cm的肿块,累及乳房和胸壁并伴有腋窝淋巴结肿大。术前活检尚无定论,患者接受了改良的根治性乳房切除术。病理证实为硅瘤。讨论乳腺硅胶肉芽肿虽然良性,但与恶性肿瘤的表现相似,对于合适的患者,乳腺肉芽肿是诊断乳腺或腋窝肿块的重要区别。 MRI是研究的选择,核心针穿刺活检不能总是在术前确定诊断。 PET扫描可能是假阳性,诊断需要进行大量检查才能排除癌症。结论硅癌是植入物破裂的结果,并表现出许多乳腺癌的体征和症状。大多数患者应接受手术以缓解症状或排除癌症。



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