首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Virology >Distinct Begomoviruses Closely Related to Cassava Mosaic Viruses Cause Indian Jatropha Mosaic Disease

Distinct Begomoviruses Closely Related to Cassava Mosaic Viruses Cause Indian Jatropha Mosaic Disease




A begomovirus was recently shown to be causing Jatropha mosaic disease (JMD) on Jatropha for the first time in India. A typical begomovirus-like symptoms characterized by chlorotic specks on leaves, curling and malformation of leaves, severe reduction in leaf size, partial or complete sterility were seen on infected plants. In Karnataka state, South India, JMD caused significant yield losses by affecting the growth of the infected plant and by disease incidences of up to 47%. The putative Jatropha mosaic India virus (JMIV) was successfully transmitted through grafting, the dodder Cuscuta subinclusa and the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci . The JMIV was detected in infected plants and individual B. tabaci by polymerase chain reaction tests using two sets of begomovirus-specific degenerate primers. The core coat protein (CP) sequences of ~575 bases were obtained from two isolates collected at Bangalore and Dharwad, South India. Phylogenetic analysis of the core CP sequences with those of selected begomoviruses grouped JMIV in a separate cluster close to Indian cassava mosaic virus and Sri Lankan cassava mosaic virus and shared highest nucleotide identities (90-95%) with them. The two JMIV isolates were 94% similar to each other. The begomoviruses causing JMD in the Americas grouped separately from JMIV and shared only 72.8-75.2% core CP nucleotide identities thus they are distinct. These results further confirm that JMD in India was caused by begomoviruses and they were most closely related to cassava mosaic viruses from the Indian sub-continent.
机译:最近发现,一种初生病毒会在印度引起麻风树上的麻风树花叶病(JMD)。在受感染的植物上观察到典型的类似begomovirus的症状,特征是叶片上有褪绿斑点,叶片卷曲和畸形,叶片尺寸严重减小,部分或完全不育。在印度南部的卡纳塔克邦,JMD通过影响受感染植物的生长以及高达47%的疾病发生率,造成了严重的产量损失。推定的麻疯树花叶印度病毒(JMIV)已通过嫁接,the丝Cuscuta subinclusa和粉虱Bemisia tabaci成功传播。通过聚合酶链反应试验,使用两套针对begomovirus的简并引物进行聚合酶链反应测试,在受感染植物和烟粉虱中检测到JMIV。约575个碱基的核心外壳蛋白(CP)序列是从印度南部的班加罗尔和达瓦德收集的两个分离株获得的。系统进化分析的核心CP序列与选定的begomoviruses的序列将JMIV分组在一个单独的群集中,该群集靠近印度木薯花叶病毒和斯里兰卡木薯花叶病毒,并且它们具有最高的核苷酸同一性(90-95%)。两个JMIV分离株彼此相似度为94%。在美洲引起JMD的begomovirus病毒与JMIV分开分组,并且仅共享72.8-75.2%的核心CP核苷酸身份,因此它们是截然不同的。这些结果进一步证实,印度的JMD是由bemomoviruses引起的,它们与印度次大陆的木薯花叶病毒最密切相关。



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