首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Yoga >Effect of yoga on quality of life of CLBP patients: A randomized control study

Effect of yoga on quality of life of CLBP patients: A randomized control study




Context:In two of the earlier Randomized Control Trials on yoga for chronic lower back pain (CLBP), 12 to 16 weeks of intervention were found effective in reducing pain and disability.Aim:To study the efficacy of a residential short term intensive yoga program on quality of life in CLBP.Materials and Methods:About 80 patients with CLBP (females 37) registered for a week long treatment at SVYASA Holistic Health Centre in Bengaluru, India. They were randomized into two groups (40 each). The yoga group practiced a specific module for CLBP comprising of asanas (physical postures), pranayama (breathing practices), meditation and lectures on yoga philosophy. The control group practiced physical therapy exercises for back pain.Perceived stress scale (PSS) was used to measure baseline stress levels. Outcome measures were WHOQOL Bref for quality of life and straight leg raising test (SLR) using a Goniometer.Results:There were significant negative correlations (Pearson’s, P0.30) between baseline PSS with all four domains and the total score of WHOQOLBref. All the four domains’ WHOQOLBref improved in the yoga group (repeated measures ANOVA P=0.001) with significant group*time interaction (P<0.05) and differences between groups (P<0.01). SLR increased in both groups (P=0.001) with higher increase in yoga (31.1 % right, 28.4 % left) than control (18.7% right, 21.5 % left) group with significant group*time interaction (SLR right leg P=0.044).Conclusion:In CLBP, a negative correlation exists between stress and quality of life. Yoga increases quality of life and spinal flexibility better than physical therapy exercises.
机译:背景:在两项较早的针对慢性下背痛(CLBP)的瑜伽随机对照试验中,发现12到16周的干预可有效减轻疼痛和残疾。目的:研究短期短期强化瑜伽计划的功效材料和方法:约80例CLBP患者(37岁女性)在印度班加罗尔SVYASA整体健康中心登记为期一周的治疗。他们被随机分为两组(每组40个)。瑜伽小组为CLBP练习了一个特定的模块,包括体式(身体姿势),呼吸法(呼吸练习),冥想和瑜伽哲学讲座。对照组进行背部疼痛的物理疗法练习。感知压力量表(PSS)用于测量基线压力水平。结果指标是生活质量的WHOQOL Bref和使用测角仪的直腿抬高测试(SLR)。结果:所有四个域的基线PSS与WHOQOLBref的总评分之间存在显着的负相关(Pearson's,P0.30)。瑜伽组的四个域的WHOQOLBref均得到改善(重复测量ANOVA P = 0.001),显着的组*时间相互作用(P <0.05)和组间差异(P <0.01)。两组之间的SLR均增加(P = 0.001),瑜伽组的增加(右31.1%,左28.4%)高于对照组(右18.7%,左21.5%),且组间有明显的时间互动(SLR右腿P = 0.044)结论:在CLBP中,压力与生活质量之间存在负相关关系。与物理疗法相比,瑜伽可以更好地提高生活质量和脊柱柔韧性。



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