首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research >Evaluating the socio-economic impact of Geographic Information: A classification of the literature

Evaluating the socio-economic impact of Geographic Information: A classification of the literature




Geographic information (GI) is increasingly important to citizens, businesses and governments in modern societies. Considerable effort has been devoted to developing our understanding how GI affects the information management strategies and practices of individual organizations (GITA, 2006). However, there is an increasing awareness across public and private organizations that more attention has to be paid to assessing the broader economic and socio-economic impacts of GI technologies (European Commission, 2006; Craglia and Nowak, 2006).Given the investments that local, regional, national and supra-national organizations have made in GI and may consider for the future, it is imperative that the return on investments in GI be assessed across all scales. This is particularly relevant as GI is viewed increasingly as an infrastructural element for which investments and benefits must be justified and quantified (Grus, 2007). Although an increasing number of researchers are examining different approaches to evaluating specific GI applications, it is clear that the documentation of business cases and assessment strategies for GI investments is still incomplete (GITA, 2006). The key objective of this paper is to summarize and synthesize some of the current literature related to assessing the value of GI. This review, which was conducted under the auspices of the EcoGeo II project (http://ecogeo.scg.ulaval.ca), is based on an examination of 44 academic, business and government studies. A classification framework was constructed to compare these studies with reference to two key variables: topics and approaches. The studies we analyzed were developed within different public and private organizations and spanned international, national and regional scales. To make the study manageable, we focused particularly on the regional context represented by Canada’s province of Quebec. The results show that the topic of assessing the impacts of GI remains largely embryonic in nature. In particular, we identify the lack of a common vocabulary, no shared understanding concerning exactly which topics should be assessed, a lack of testing for any approaches suggested for evaluation, and often a dearth of concrete answers.
机译:地理信息(GI)对现代社会中的公民,企业和政府而言越来越重要。为了理解地理标志如何影响单个组织的信息管理策略和实践,我们付出了巨大的努力(GITA,2006年)。但是,公共和私人组织的意识日益增强,必须更加重视评估地理标志技术对经济和社会经济的广泛影响(欧洲委员会,2006年;克拉格里亚和诺瓦克,2006年)。 ,区域,国家和超国家组织在地理标志方面做出了贡献,并可能考虑未来,必须在所有规模上评估地理标志的投资回报率。这一点尤其重要,因为地理标志越来越被视为一种基础设施,必须对其投资和收益进行合理化和量化(Grus,2007年)。尽管越来越多的研究人员正在研究评估特定地理标志应用的不同方法,但很明显,地理标志投资的业务案例和评估策略的文档仍然不完善(GITA,2006年)。本文的主要目标是总结和综合一些与评估GI价值相关的文献。这项审查是在EcoGeo II项目(http://ecogeo.scg.ulaval.ca)的主持下进行的,审查了44项学术,商业和政府研究。构建了一个分类框架,以参照两个关键变量将这些研究进行比较:主题和方法。我们分析的研究是在不同的公共和私人组织内进行的,并且涉及国际,国家和地区范围。为了使研究易于管理,我们特别关注了以加拿大魁北克省为代表的区域背景。结果表明,评估地理标志影响的主题本质上仍处于萌芽状态。特别是,我们发现缺乏通用的词汇表,对于应该评估哪些主题缺乏共识,缺乏对任何建议的评估方法的测试,并且常常缺乏具体的答案。



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