首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Rotating Machinery >Measurements of the Influence of Integral Length Scale on Stagnation Region Heat Transfer

Measurements of the Influence of Integral Length Scale on Stagnation Region Heat Transfer




The purpose of the present work was twofold: first, to determine if a length scale existed thatwould cause the greatest augmentation in stagnation region heat transfer for a given turbulenceintensity and second, to develop a prediction tool for stagnation heat transfer in thepresence of free stream turbulence. Toward this end, a model with a circular leading edgewas fabricated with heat transfer gages in the stagnation region. The model was qualified ina low turbulence wind tunnel by comparing measurements with Frossling's solution forstagnation region heat transfer in a laminar free stream. Five turbulence generating gridswere fabricated; four were square mesh, biplane grids made from square bars. Each hadidentical mesh to bar width ratio but different bar widths. The fifth grid was an array of fineparallel wires that were perpendicular to the axis of the cylindrical leading edge. Turbulenceintensity and integral length scale were measured as a function of distance from the grids.Stagnation region heat transfer was measured at various distances downstream of each grid.Data were taken at cylinder Reynolds numbers ranging from 42,000 to 193,000. Turbulenceintensities were in the range 1.1 to 15.9 percent while the ratio of integral length scale tocylinder diameter ranged from 0.05 to 0.30. Stagnation region heat transfer augmentationincreased with decreasing length scale. An optimum scale was not found. A correlation wasdeveloped that fit heat transfer data for the square bar grids to within ±4%. The data fromthe array of wires were not predicted by the correlation; augmentation was higher for thiscase indicating that the degree of isotropy in the turbulent flow field has a large effect onstagnation heat transfer. The data of other researchers are also compared with the correlation.
机译:本研究的目的是双重的:首先,确定在给定的湍流强度下是否存在会导致停滞区域传热最大增加的长度尺度;其次,开发在存在自由流湍流的情况下停滞传热的预测工具。 。为此,制造了具有圆形前缘的模型,在停滞区域中装有传热计。通过将测量结果与Frossling解决方案在层流自由流中停滞区域传热进行比较,该模型在低湍流风洞中得到了验证。制作了五个湍流产生栅格;四个是方形网格,由方形杆制成的双平面网格。每个具有相同的网格与钢筋宽度比率,但具有不同的钢筋宽度。第五网格是平行于圆柱前缘轴线的细平行线阵列。测量湍流强度和积分长度标度作为距格栅的距离的函数。在每个格栅下游的不同距离处测量停滞区域的传热,并在42,000至193,000的圆柱雷诺数下获取数据。湍流强度在1.1%至15.9%的范围内,而整体长度刻度筒直径的比例在0.05至0.30的范围内。停滞区的传热增加随着长度尺度的减小而增加。找不到最佳比例。建立了相关性,以使方格栅格的传热数据拟合在±4%以内。相关性无法预测电线阵列中的数据;在这种情况下,增强作用较高,这表明湍流场中的各向同性程度对停滞传热有很大影响。还将其他研究人员的数据与相关性进行比较。



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