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Locking Editor: A Utility For Protecting Software Exercises In The Computer Laboratory Of AMA University




The student of AMA University persistence in computing which has the keys to providing their talent needed to fill the computer laboratory in the computing professions. A range of factors can affect a student's decision to remain in a computing major or change to another major if ever they feel that computing education is difficult. This has to describe the activities in computer laboratory specifically exercises, machine problems, and computing case studies interacting different application programs as the basis of their skills and knowledge in programming capability. The nature of those activities addresses by using of IDE as open source in all programming applications which may result of specific intervention such as using the editor to create a source file, the code blocks, comments, and program statements are entered and the file saved. In case, there are no "corrective actions," taken as the editor does not know this is supposed to be a "source file" as opposed to notes for class. If working in a position-dependent language like Java, the developer would have to be very careful about indenting. The file has to be saved with the correct file extension and in a directory where the compiler can find it. Each source file has to be compiled separately, if the program has a few source files, they all have to be named separately in the compiler. When invoking the compiler, it has to be directed to look in the correct directory for the source files and where the output files should be stored. If there is an error in the source file, the compiler will output messages and fail to complete. For any errors, the developer goes back and edits the source file, working from line numbers and compiler messages to fix the problems and these steps continue until all the source files compile without errors. When linking, each object file is specified as being part of the build. Again, the locations for the object files and executable are given. There may be errors at this point because it is not until the entire program is linked that some errors can be detected. Assuming the linker finds all the variables and functions, it produces a file that can be run. If the program is running and working means all well for the developer. If it seems to do nothing, that means it's debugging time, since there is no insight to what the program is doing, the developer may go back and put in some brute force methods, like print statements to print messages out at certain points in the program or blink some light emitting diodes (LEDs) at strategic places, which means back to the editor, and the cycle continues. These are the causes of the developer can sort of sounds like rather than copying and pasting code from previous applications into a new one, that are rewriting the same functionality again and again. This is one of the varied reasons of the dry principle is geared more towards not having the same functionality duplicated throughout an entire system, but reusing code from other applications is better than rewriting it, since IDE is free and available as open source in any codes of environment. The main focus of the study is the development of utility for locking editor in protecting software exercises. Specifically, it sought to solve the following: To develop an editor that will lock the source code during programming laboratory exercises; To assess the propose system in Kirkpatrick model approach; To evaluate the testing assessment of the proposed system in terms of the following indicators: Efficiency, Usability, and reliability As the result, the locking editor for source code generation is a core program for the locking IDE software. It contains both the user interface such as students and instructor which work together in one package. The evaluation of multi-programming environment by testing the editor that, as it develops solutions keep in mind that locking editor uses the architecture and frameworks that most users are accustomed to see. It should build the development environment and use the tools in the way that makes the most sense for organization. The assessment of the proposed system in Kirkpatrick model approach such as reaction, learning, behavior and results with a weighted mean of 4.19, 4.37, 4.25 and 4.67 with a verbal interpretation of 'Protectable' and 'Highly Protectable' respectively. The determination in testing assessment of the proposed system based on ISO 9126 reveals of efficiency, usability and reliability with a weighted mean of 4.19, 4.58, and 4.75 interpreted 'Highly Protectable' and 'Protectable' respectively were the main features and characteristics of locking editor.
机译:AMA大学的学生坚持不懈地从事计算工作,具有提供填补计算机专业从事计算机专业所需的才能的关键。如果学生觉得计算机教育很困难,则可能会受到多种因素的影响,以决定他们留在计算机专业还是改读另一门专业的决定。这必须描述计算机实验室中的活动,特别是练习,机器问题以及与不同应用程序交互的计算机案例研究,以此作为其在编程能力方面的技能和知识的基础。这些活动的性质是通过在所有编程应用程序中将IDE用作开源来解决的,这可能是由于特定干预(例如使用编辑器创建源文件,输入代码块,注释和程序语句并保存文件)而导致的。如果没有“纠正措施”,因为编辑者不知道这应该是“源文件”,而不是课堂注释。如果使用与位置相关的语言(如Java)工作,则开发人员在缩进时必须非常小心。该文件必须使用正确的文件扩展名保存在编译器可以找到的目录中。每个源文件必须单独编译,如果程序有几个源文件,则必须在编译器中分别命名它们。调用编译器时,必须将其定向为在正确的目录中查找源文件以及应将输出文件存储在何处。如果源文件中有错误,则编译器将输出消息并无法完成。对于任何错误,开发人员将返回并编辑源文件,使用行号和编译器消息来解决问题,并且这些步骤将继续进行,直到所有源文件编译无误为止。链接时,每个目标文件都被指定为构建的一部分。同样,给出了目标文件和可执行文件的位置。此时可能会出现错误,因为直到链接整个程序才可以检测到一些错误。假设链接器找到了所有变量和函数,它将生成一个可以运行的文件。如果程序正在运行并且对开发人员来说一切正常。如果它似乎什么也不做,则意味着正在调试时间,因为无法洞悉程序的工作方式,开发人员可能会回过头来并使用一些蛮力方法,例如使用print语句将消息打印到特定位置。在关键位置对某些发光二极管(LED)进行编程或闪烁,这意味着返回编辑器,并且该循环继续进行。这些都是导致开发人员产生某种声音的原因,而不是将代码从以前的应用程序复制并粘贴到新的应用程序中,而这些声音又一次又一次地重写了相同的功能。这是干原则的多方面原因之一,它更倾向于不具有在整个系统中重复的相同功能,但是重用来自其他应用程序的代码比重写它更好,因为IDE是免费的,并且可以在任何代码中作为开源使用环境。该研究的主要重点是用于锁定编辑器的实用程序的开发,以保护软件练习。具体来说,它寻求解决以下问题:开发一个在编程实验室练习时将锁定源代码的编辑器;评估Kirkpatrick模型方法中的提议系统;根据以下指标评估所提议系统的测试评估:效率,可用性和可靠性结果,用于生成源代码的锁定编辑器是锁定IDE软件的核心程序。它包含一个用户界面,例如学生和教师,它们在一个程序包中一起工作。通过测试编辑器来评估多程序环境,该编辑器在开发解决方案时要牢记锁定编辑器使用大多数用户习惯于看到的体系结构和框架。它应该构建开发环境并以最适合组织的方式使用工具。使用Kirkpatrick模型方法对提议的系统进行评估,例如反应,学习,行为和结果,其加权平均值分别为4.19、4.37、4.25和4.67,口头解释为“可保护”和“高度可保护”。在基于ISO 9126的拟议系统的测试评估中的确定揭示了效率,可用性和可靠性,加权平均分别为4.19、4.58和4.75,被解释为“高度可保护”和“可保护”是锁定编辑器的主要特征。 。



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