首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research >Decision Analysis For Renewable Energy Technology Selection: Delta State Of Nigeria As A Case Study

Decision Analysis For Renewable Energy Technology Selection: Delta State Of Nigeria As A Case Study




Abstract: Recent concerns over global warming as well as other well documented environmental impacts which arise from the utilisation of fossil fuels has led to intensified investigations to identify possible energy alternatives. These investigations sought to establish the feasibility of alternative energy sources to meet not only the increasing demand requirement but ultimately facilitate the realisation of the hypothetical 'Zero net Carbon' pollution target. However, while energy and environment enthusiasts consistently insist on the viability of Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs) as a conduit for meeting energy demand without compromising the need for sustainability, deciding which RET or indeed combination of RETs will be most appropriate based on the existing economic, legal as well as environmental framework remains a realistic challenge. This investigation therefore attempted to present a decision making process that will consider the four criteria inputs widely recognised as requirements for sustainable development. The RETs where subsequently evaluated via the consideration of these criteria as the only requirement for RET selection assuming the region under consideration was independent of the grid or a fossil fuel generator. The approach employed therefore presented a valid method for an initial and basic appraisal of RETs in the development of sustainable energy systems, with the defining assumption being that the technical indicator incorporated the ability of the RET to meet the primary load. A preferential ranking was finally achieved via the utilisation of simple matrix models thus facilitating the development of a theoretical basis for the practical implementation of the most appropriate RET.



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