首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences >Clinicopathological and IHC study (estrogen receptors, progesterone receptor, HER2/NEU) in malignant ovarian tumors

Clinicopathological and IHC study (estrogen receptors, progesterone receptor, HER2/NEU) in malignant ovarian tumors

机译:卵巢恶性肿瘤的临床病理和IHC研究(雌激素受体,孕激素受体,HER2 / NEU)



Background: Ovarian cancer is the second most common gynaecologic malignancy, most common cause of gynaecologic cancer death and has worst prognosis among all gynecological malignancies. The clinical significance of ER and PR content in ovarian carcinomas has not been well established in the literature. Methods: A prospective study was conducted over a period of 2 years (2013-2015) in the department of pathology, Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India. The study includes 42 cases of ovarian cancers. Representative 3-4μm sections were taken and IHC was performed with specific antibodies. Results: The mean age at presentation was 39.5 years, majority of the ovarian carcinomas occurred in the age group of third and fifth decade (20/42). The commonest clinical presentation was mass per abdomen. The commonest histological type was malignant surface epithelial tumors (25/42, 59.55%) of which serous cystadenocarcinioma was the predominant tumor followed by germ cell tumors (9/42, 21.42%). Ascites was associated with higher grade and higher stage of tumors. Majority of the ovarian carcinomas were of grade 2 (57.14%) and stage 3 (35.7%). ER was positive in (9/42) 21.42%, PR was positive in (10/42) 23.8% and Her2eu was equivocal in (3/42) 7.14% of ovarian carcinomas. ER, PR and Her2 showed similar expression, with higher expression in cases of advanced disease. Conclusions: The expression of steroid hormonal receptors in ovarian cancers paves way for antihormonal therapy/ targeted therapy and this requires more number of studies with larger sample size.
机译:背景:卵巢癌是第二常见的妇科恶性肿瘤,是导致妇科恶性肿瘤死亡的最常见原因,在所有妇科恶性肿瘤中预后最差。卵巢癌中ER和PR含量的临床意义尚未在文献中得到很好的确定。方法:在印度安得拉邦维沙卡帕特南的安得拉医学院病理学系进行了为期2年(2013-2015年)的前瞻性研究。该研究包括42例卵巢癌。取代表性的3-4μm切片,并用特异性抗体进行IHC。结果:就诊时的平均年龄为39.5岁,大多数卵巢癌发生在第三和第五个十年(20/42)。最常见的临床表现是每腹部质量。最常见的组织学类型是恶性表面上皮肿瘤(25 / 42,59.55%),其中浆液性囊腺癌为主要肿瘤,其次是生殖细胞肿瘤(9 / 42,21.42%)。腹水与肿瘤的高级别和高分期有关。多数卵巢癌为2级(57.14%)和3期(35.7%)。在(9/42)21.42%的ER中阳性,在(10/42)23.8%的PR中阳性,在(3/42)7.14%的卵巢癌中,Her2 / neu模棱两可。 ER,PR和Her2显示相似的表达,在晚期疾病中表达更高。结论:卵巢癌中类固醇激素受体的表达为抗激素治疗/靶向治疗铺平了道路,这需要大量样本量更大的研究。



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