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Correlation between therapy and lipid profile of leprosy patients: is there a higher risk for developing cardiovascular diseases after treatment?




BackgroundThe impact of leprosy reduces health-related quality of life of affected patients, interfering with different factors such as nutrition. This study investigated the lipid profile, nutritional status, and risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) in patients who underwent leprosy treatment in Brazil. MethodsEighty-four adult patients of both genders ranging in age from 20 to 60?years and diagnosed with paucibacillary (PB) or multibacillary (MB) leprosy were selected after undergoing multidrug treatment. The following data were collected: sociodemographic and clinical data; food intake; anthropometric measures (weight, height, and waist circumference); and lipid profile components (total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol [HDL-c], low-density lipoprotein cholesterol [LDL-c], and triglycerides). ResultsAmong the study population, there was a predominance of males (65.48%) aged 50 to 60?years, patients with an income of 248–496 American dollars (63.10%), patients who completed elementary school (65.48%), inactive patients (76.19%), non-smokers (46.43%), and non-drinking patients (69.05%). The levels (mean?±?standard deviation) of total cholesterol were 193.8?±?29.4?mg/dL in the PB form and 203.5?±?41.7?mg/dL in the MB form. The mean LDL-c was 116.9?±?22.7?mg/dL in PB patients and 121?±?31.3?mg/dL in MB patients. Mean triglyceride levels were 123.4?±?45.2?mg/dL in the PB form and 147.4?±?88.9?mg/dL in the MB form. The evaluation of nutritional status showed that 41.67% of the patients were eutrophic, while 55.96% had excess weight. Food intake was significantly associated with HDL-c in male patients ( P =?0.0264) and with triglycerides in patients above the ideal weight ( P =?0.0049). ConclusionsThe risk of acquiring CVDs was observed to be high due to patients’ excess weight and increased waist circumference. This study will guide clinicians in the adequate treatment of patients with leprosy in order to avoid adverse cardiovascular events.
机译:背景麻风病的影响降低了受影响患者的健康相关生活质量,干扰了营养等不同因素。这项研究调查了在巴西接受麻风治疗的患者的血脂状况,营养状况和心血管疾病(CVD)风险。方法选择接受过多种药物治疗的年龄在20岁至60岁之间,并被诊断为脓疱型(PB)或多菌型(MB)麻风病的成年男女,共44例。收集了以下数据:社会人口统计学和临床​​数据;食物的摄入量;人体测量(体重,身高和腰围);和脂质谱成分(总胆固醇,高密度脂蛋白胆固醇[HDL-c],低密度脂蛋白胆固醇[LDL-c]和甘油三酸酯)。结果在研究人群中,主要是年龄在50至60岁之间的男性(65.48%),收入为248-496美元的患者(63.10%),小学毕业的患者(65.48%),不活动的患者( 76.19%),不吸烟者(46.43%)和不饮酒的患者(69.05%)。 PB形式的总胆固醇水平(平均值±标准偏差)为193.8±29.4mg / dL,MB形式为203.5±41.7μg/ dL。 PB患者的平均LDL-c为116.9±±22.7μmg/ dL,MB患者的平均LDL-c为121±±31.3μmg/ dL。 PB形式的甘油三酸酯平均水平为123.4≤±45.2μmg/ dL,MB形式的平均甘油三酯水平为147.4≤±88.9μmg/ dL。营养状况评估显示41.67%的患者富营养化,而55.96%的患者体重超标。在男性患者中,食物摄入与HDL-c显着相关(P =?0.0264),在理想体重以上的患者中,甘油三酯的摄入量与食品的摄入显着相关(P =?0.0049)。结论由于患者体重超重和腰围增加,发现获得CVD的风险较高。这项研究将指导临床医生对麻风病患者进行充分治疗,以避免不良心血管事件。



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