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Evolution, Revolution, Devolution and Volution of Singapore's Healthcare System




Over the years, Singapore’s healthcare system has evolved from the British colonial welfare healthcare system in the 1900s to today’s current Regional Healthcare Systems (RHS) and an upcoming reform into 3 clusters. The revolution of healthcare was evident after Singapore gained independence in 1965. It moved from a welfare, centralized healthcare system comprising of only one General Hospital to a decentralized network of 26 satellite hospitals/clinics whose main aim was to provide basic healthcare for its people and also eliminate infectious diseases like smallpox and measles. The move away from welfare state was to shift the costs of healthcare burden from the government to the people. In 2000, evolution of Singapore’s healthcare system began. Public healthcare institutions were organised into 2 healthcare clusters which further evolved into 6 regional healthcare clusters. purpose of restructuring the healthcare system into Regional Healthcare Systems (RHS) was to cater to the people’s needs in a more localised manner, enhance and strengthen integrated care across the care continuum in view of the challenges posed by increasing demands of healthcare needed by the greying population. The RHS framework comprised of general practitioners (GPs) restructured hospitals (RHs), community hospitals (CHs), nursing homes (NHs) and home care providers within each region. The process of restructuring the hospitals also sees a devolution of power from the government to the hospital, giving them autonomy to make decisions. The purpose of this is to ensure high standards and quality of care by competing against each other in a free market setting. In 2017, the government decided that a 3-cluster healthcare system (Volution of healthcare) would better optimise resources and capabilities to provide more comprehensive and patient-centered care to meet Singaporeans’ evolving needs. The convolution of Singapore healthcare’s system is responsive and adaptive to the changing needs of the population. Singapore’s healthcare system has been changing to better cater to the needs of the population. From providing basic healthcare in the 1960s to providing better integrated care to meet the needs of the ageing population and increased chronic burden through the 2-cluster system then the 6 RHS to better localised healthcare within the regions and to the upcoming 3-cluster healthcare system to better optimise and focus our resources to inch closer to our aim of providing accessible, affordable and quality health care.
机译:多年来,新加坡的医疗保健系统已经从1900年代的英国殖民地福利医疗保健系统发展到今天的当前区域医疗保健系统(RHS),并且即将进行三项改革。新加坡在1965年获得独立后,医疗保健的革命就显而易见了。它从仅由一家综合医院组成的福利,集中式医疗保健系统转变为由26家卫星医院/诊所组成的分散网络,其主要目的是为其人民提供基本的医疗保健。还可以消除天花和麻疹等传染病。脱离福利国家的做法是将医疗保健负担的费用从政府转移到人民身上。 2000年,新加坡的医疗保健系统开始发展。公共医疗机构被组织为2个医疗保健集群,进一步发展为6个区域医疗保健集群。将医疗保健系统重组为区域医疗保健系统(RHS)的目的是为了以更本地化的方式满足人们的需求,考虑到老年人日益增长的医疗保健需求所带来的挑战,从而在整个护理连续体中增强和加强综合护理人口。 RHS框架由每个区域内的全科医生(GPs),改组医院(RHs),社区医院(CHs),疗养院(NHs)和家庭护理提供者组成。医院的重组过程还看到了政府从权力下放到医院的权力,使他们可以自主决策。其目的是通过在自由市场环境中相互竞争来确保高标准和高质量的护理。 2017年,政府决定采用三类医疗保健系统(Volution of Healthcare),可以更好地优化资源和能力,以提供更全面和以患者为中心的医疗服务,以满足新加坡人不断发展的需求。新加坡医疗保健体系的不断发展对人口的不断变化的需求做出了响应并具有适应性。新加坡的医疗保健系统已经发生了变化,以更好地满足人们的需求。从1960年代提供基本医疗保健到通过2集群系统提供更好的综合护理以满足人口老龄化和增加的慢性负担,然后通过6 RHS到该地区更好的局部医疗保健以及即将到来的3集群医疗保健系统更好地优化和集中我们的资源,以更加接近我们提供无障碍,负担得起的优质医疗保健的目标。



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