
EOG Based Prosthetic Arm-Hand Control




Electrooculography (EOG) based HID (Human Interactive Device) has the potential to control a Robotic hand. The project presents a novel method to control robotic hand with the help of eye movements. Using this system, we can control the hand movements left, right, pick and place etc. As a result of road traffic accidents, stroke, etc., a lot of people have become disabled following which many of them have lost their ability to control their environment and communicate with others by conventional methods. Studies on such groups of persons with severe disabilities have shown that many of them retain the ability to control their eye movements which could be used to develop a new robotic hand control. This system can be used by persons with disabilities for environmental control, as a source of information as well as for entertainment. The device can be found most useful by handicapped people who can no longer control the robotic hand using their hands. As the device relies on user’s eye movements, it can be used even by patients who are paralyzed from shoulder downwards. In recent years, EOG based HID is becoming the hotspot of bio-based HID research.



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