首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Intelligence Science >Gender Prediction on Twitter Using Stream Algorithms with N-Gram Character Features

Gender Prediction on Twitter Using Stream Algorithms with N-Gram Character Features




The rapid growth of social networks has produced an unprecedented amount of user-generated data, which provides an excellent opportunity for text mining. Authorship analysis, an important part of text mining, attempts to learn about the author of the text through subtle variations in the writing styles that occur between gender, age and social groups. Such information has a variety of applications including advertising and law enforcement. One of the most accessible sources of user-generated data is Twitter, which makes the majority of its user data freely available through its data access API. In this study we seek to identify the gender of users on Twitter using Perceptron and Nai ve Bayes with selected 1 through 5-gram features from tweet text. Stream applications of these algorithms were employed for gender prediction to handle the speed and volume of tweet traffic. Because informal text, such as tweets, cannot be easily evaluated using traditional dictionary methods, n-gram features were implemented in this study to represent streaming tweets. The large number of 1 through 5-grams requires that only a subset of them be used in gender classification, for this reason informative n-gram features were chosen using multiple selection algorithms. In the best case the Naive Bayes and Perceptron algorithms produced accuracy, balanced accuracy, and F-measure above 99%.
机译:社交网络的快速发展产生了前所未有的用户生成的数据量,这为文本挖掘提供了绝佳的机会。作者身份分析是文本挖掘的重要组成部分,它试图通过性别,年龄和社会群体之间的细微变化来了解文本的作者。此类信息具有多种应用程序,包括广告和执法。 Twitter是用户生成数据的最可访问的来源之一,它可以通过其数据访问API免费提供其大部分用户数据。在这项研究中,我们试图使用Perceptron和Nai ve Bayes在推文中选择1到5克的特征来识别Twitter上用户的性别。这些算法的流应用程序用于性别预测,以处理推文流量的速度和数量。由于非正式文本(例如推文)无法使用传统的词典方法轻松评估,因此本研究中采用了n-gram功能来表示流式推文。 1到5克的大量字母要求仅将其中的一部分用于性别分类,因此,使用多种选择算法选择了具有信息意义的n字母特征。在最佳情况下,朴素贝叶斯(Naive Bayes)和感知器(Perceptron)算法产生了99%以上的精度,平衡精度和F值。



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