首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Business and Management >Super Responsive Supply Chain: The Case of Spanish Fast Fashion Retailer Inditex-Zara

Super Responsive Supply Chain: The Case of Spanish Fast Fashion Retailer Inditex-Zara




The successful implementation of an integrated supply chain strategy enhances total control over the operations and thus enhances speed and flexibility. The objective of this study is two-fold: first to identify the constituents that mold the fast fashion retailing business model, and second to discuss how global leader of fast fashion retailing Inditex-Zara’s product offering is strongly supported by integration of various supply chain operations. The findings suggest that vertical integration through ownership of various operational stages including product design and development, production operation, logistics and distribution channel; appropriate sourcing strategy to meet product needs; application of process/product modularity practices in product design, material procurement and manufacturing to ensure manufacturing flexibility; flexible logistics capability; and all of these seamlessly integrated and coordinated by a centralized IT infrastructure can significantly raise overall supply chain flexibility and responsiveness. Inditex-Zara’s super-responsive supply chain reduces ‘bullwhip effect’, order-to-delivery lead time to stores, ensures lean inventory and high level of responsiveness to adapt and deliver products to stores with latest fashion trends and customer feedbacks at a rapid speed. Thus Inditex-Zara is able to successfully counter the negative effects of short product life cycles, high product variety, demand uncertainty and thus able to closely match product supply to the stores with market demand. This contributes to lower inventory backlogs; avoid mark-down losses and/or inventory stock out.
机译:成功实施集成供应链战略可增强对运营的全面控制,从而提高速度和灵活性。这项研究的目的有两个:第一,确定构成快速时尚零售业务模型的要素;第二,讨论快速时尚零售的全球领导者如何通过各种供应链运营的整合来大力支持Inditex-Zara产品系列。研究结果表明,通过各个运营阶段(包括产品设计和开发,生产运营,物流和分销渠道)的所有权进行垂直整合;适当的采购策略以满足产品需求;在产品设计,材料采购和制造中应用过程/产品模块化实践,以确保制造灵活性;灵活的物流能力;并且所有这些均由集中的IT基础架构无缝集成和协调,可以显着提高整个供应链的灵活性和响应能力。 Inditex-Zara的超级响应式供应链减少了“牛鞭效应”,缩短了从商店到订单的交货时间,确保精简的库存和高水平的响应能力,以适应最新的时尚趋势和客户反馈并迅速将产品交付到商店。因此,Inditex-Zara能够成功应对产品生命周期短,产品种类繁多,需求不确定性带来的负面影响,从而能够使商店的产品供应与市场需求紧密匹配。这有助于减少库存积压;避免减价损失和/或库存缺货。



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