首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications >Performance Evaluation of Modified DBLA Using Dark Channel Prior & CLAHE

Performance Evaluation of Modified DBLA Using Dark Channel Prior & CLAHE




This paper has focused on the different image enhancement techniques. Image enhancement has found to be one of the most important vision applications because it has ability to enhance the visibility of images. It enhances the quality of poor pictures. Distinctive procedures have been proposed so far for improving the quality of the digital images. To enhance picture quality image enhancement can specifically improve and limit some data presented in the input picture. It is a kind of vision system which reductions picture commotion, kill antiquities, and keep up the informative parts. Its object is to open up certain picture characteristics for investigation, conclusion and further use. The main objective of this paper is to modify the DBLA using the dark channel prior and CLAHE to enhance the results further. The comparative analysis has shown the significant improvement over the CLAHE and the DBLA.



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