首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >Delayed Response of Lake Area Change to Climate Change in Siling Co Lake, Tibetan Plateau, from 2003 to 2013

Delayed Response of Lake Area Change to Climate Change in Siling Co Lake, Tibetan Plateau, from 2003 to 2013




The Tibetan Plateau is a key area for research on global environmental changes. During the past 50 years, the climate in the Siling Co lake area has become continuously warmer and wetter, which may have further caused the increase in Siling Co lake area. Based on the Siling Co lake area (2003 to 2013) and climate data acquired from the Xainza and Baingoin meteorological stations (covering 1966 to 2013), we analyzed the delayed responses of lake area changes to climate changes through grey relational analysis. The following results were obtained: (1) The Siling Co lake area exhibited a rapid expansion trend from 2003 to 2013. The lake area increased to 2318 km2, with a growth ratio of 14.6% and an annual growth rate of 26.84 km2·year?1; (2) The rate of air temperature increase was different in the different seasons. The rate in the cold season was about 0.41 °C per ten years and 0.32 °C in hot season. Precipitation evidently increased, with a change rate of 17.70 mm per ten years in the hot season and a slight increase with a change rate of 2.36 mm per ten years in the cold season. Pan evaporation exhibited evidently decreasing trends in both the hot and cold seasons, with rates of ?33.35 and ?14.84 mm per ten years, respectively; (3) An evident delayed response of lake area change to climate change is observed, with a delay time of approximately one to two years.
机译:青藏高原是研究全球环境变化的关键领域。在过去的50年中,思林柯湖地区的气候持续变暖和潮湿,这可能进一步导致了思林柯湖地区的面积增加。基于2003-2013年思陵岭湖区和从Xainza和Baingoin气象站获取的气候数据(涵盖1966-2013年),我们通过灰色关联分析分析了湖区变化对气候变化的延迟响应。得到以下结果:(1)2003年至2013年,思林钴湖面积呈快速扩张趋势。湖面积增加到2318 km 2 ,年均增长14.6%。增长26.84 km 2 ·年?1 ; (2)不同季节气温上升率不同。寒冷季节的温度每十年约为0.41°C,而炎热季节的温度约为0.32°C。降水明显增加,在炎热季节,降水每十年的变化率为17.70毫米,在寒冷季节,降水频率每十年的变化为2.36 mm,略有增加。在炎热和寒冷季节,锅蒸发都显示出明显的下降趋势,每十年的速率分别为33.35 mm和14.84 mm。 (3)观察到湖泊面积变化对气候变化的明显延迟响应,延迟时间约为一到两年。



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