首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology >Manycast Multiple QoS Constraints Based Routing Algorithms Over Optical Burst Switched Networks

Manycast Multiple QoS Constraints Based Routing Algorithms Over Optical Burst Switched Networks




Distributed applications such as video conferencing require data to be transmitted to a group of destinations from a single source. Such applications can be implemented using multicasting. However in multicasting, if any one of the fixed members in the group can not satisfy the service requirement of the application, the multicast request is said to be blocked. This drawback of multicasting has paved way for t he communication paradigm called manycasting, where in, the destination can join or leave the group dynamically, depending on whether it satisfies the service requirement or not. Manycasting over Optical Burst Switched (OBS) networks is Quality of Service (QoS) constraints based. These multiple constraints are in the form of noise factor, propagation delay and reliability of the link. Due to the consideration of multiple QoS constraints, there is a possibility of the request to get blocked. The algorithms f or reducing the request bloc king are called Multiconstrained Manycast (MCM) algor ithms. In MCM Nearest Destinations (MCM ND ), the burst data is transmitted from the source to the minimum nearest destinations re quired for the manycast request. The destinati ons are selected among the candidate destinations on the basis of their shortest paths from the source, provided they satisfy the QoS constraints. However, if any of these primary destinations fail to satisfy the QoS constraints, the request gets blocked. On the other hand, in improved MCM ( I MCM), all the candidate destinations that satisfy the QoS constraints are available, out of which the minimum required destinations are chosen using genetic algorithm . Our simulation results show that, in most scenario s I MCM performs better than MCM ND in terms of lower average request blocking, thus making it useful for data as well as real time service applications.
机译:诸如视频会议之类的分布式应用程序要求将数据从单个源传输到一组目的地。可以使用多播来实现此类应用程序。但是,在多播中,如果组中的任何一个固定成员不能满足应用程序的服务要求,则称多播请求被阻止。多播的这一缺点为称为多播的通信范式铺平了道路,其中目的地可以根据其是否满足服务要求而动态地加入或离开组。光突发交换(OBS)网络上的多播是基于服务质量(QoS)约束的。这些多重约束的形式为噪声因子,传播延迟和链路可靠性。由于考虑了多个QoS约束,因此可能会阻塞请求。减少请求组国王的算法称为多约束多播(MCM)算法。在“ MCM最近目的地”(MCM ND)中,突发数据从源传输到多播请求所需的最小最近目的地。如果目的地满足QoS约束,则根据目的地到目的地的最短路径在目的地中选择目的地。但是,如果这些主要目标中的任何一个未能满足QoS约束,则该请求将被阻止。另一方面,在改进的MCM(I MCM)中,满足QoS约束的所有候选目标都是可用的,其中使用遗传算法选择了最低要求的目标。我们的仿真结果表明,在大多数情况下,I MCM在较低的平均请求阻塞方面要比MCM ND更好,从而使其对于数据以及实时服务应用程序很有用。



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