首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Family Medicine >Placebo-Controlled Discontinuation of Long-Term Acid-Suppressant Therapy: A Randomised Trial in General Practice

Placebo-Controlled Discontinuation of Long-Term Acid-Suppressant Therapy: A Randomised Trial in General Practice




Objective. To investigate whether patients on long-term antisecretory medication need to continue treatment to control symptoms.Methods. A double-blinded randomised placebo-controlled trial in general practices in Denmark. Patients aged 18–90 who were treated with antisecretory drugs on a long-term basis were randomized to esomeprazole 40 mg or identical placebo. Outcome measures were time to discontinuation with trial medication due to failed symptom control analysed as survival data. The proportion of patients stopping trial medication during the one-year follow-up was estimated.Results. A total of 171 patients were included with a median prior duration of antisecretory treatment of four years (range: 0.5 to 14.6 years). 86 patients received esomeprazole 40 mg and 85 patients received placebo. At 12 months, statistically significantly more patients in the placebo group had discontinued (73% (62/85)) compared with the esomeprazole group (21% (18/86);p< 0.001).Conclusions. Long-term users of antisecretory drugs showed a preference for the active drug compared to placebo. However, 27% of patients continued on placebo throughout the study and did not need to reinstitute usual treatment. One in five patients treated with esomeprazole discontinued trial medication due to unsatisfactory symptom control. Discontinuation of antisecretory treatment should be considered in long-term users of antisecretory drugs. This trial is registered with Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov ID:NCT00120315.
机译:目的。要研究长期服用抗分泌药物的患者是否需要继续治疗以控制症状。方法。丹麦一般实践中的双盲随机安慰剂对照试验。长期接受抗分泌药物治疗的18-90岁患者被随机分配至40mg埃索美拉唑或相同的安慰剂中。结果指标是由于症状控制失败而终止使用试验药物的时间,作为生存数据进行了分析。估计在一年的随访期间停止试验药物治疗的患者比例。总共纳入171名患者,其抗分泌治疗的中位先前持续时间为4年(范围:0.5至14.6年)。 86例患者接受40 mg埃索美拉唑治疗,85例接受安慰剂治疗。与依索美拉唑组(21%(18/86); p <0.001)相比,安慰剂组在12个月时停止治疗的患者统计学上显着增加(73%(62/85))。与安慰剂相比,长期服用抗分泌药物的人表现出对活性药物的偏爱。但是,在整个研究过程中,有27%的患者继续使用安慰剂,不需要重新开始常规治疗。埃索美拉唑治疗的五分之一患者由于症状控制不理想而中断了试验药物的治疗。长期使用抗分泌药物的患者应考虑终止抗分泌治疗。该试验已在临床注册ClinicalTrials.gov ID:NCT00120315中注册。



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